View Full Version : Canon XH-A1 35 MM Adapter

Loren Simons
September 6th, 2007, 11:54 PM
I think there may be another post of this, but nothing i found to recent. Yes i did search first =D. SO my question now is which 35mm adapter have people found works the best with The A1? Its coming close to my birthday, and I'm 14 so i really dont get money exept for on my birthday and hannuka, but which adaptor should i get, and what accessories should i think about purchasing with the adapotr. Or do you gys think i should just get a nice light kit? Thnx =D

Trish Kerr
September 7th, 2007, 08:16 AM
I was asking about on the letus last week and Bob Hart had quite a detailed answer on the various types of adaptors suited to your level of experience/needs (check his responses - especially the last one, it's quite informative)

Here in this section people seem to mostly have letus flip, brevis and redrock. Maybe sgpro for europe. People seem to generally happy with all of them. But price points do vary.