View Full Version : 16:9 Widescreen problems

Kamran Sekha
September 6th, 2007, 11:52 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am converting 1080i NTSC HD footage into standard NTSC DVD format.

I have followed the workflow steps provided by Dave Newman, David Taylor and the CineForm support team and have produced test clips for comparing the quality with what I achieved via other software.

I am unable to achieve a 16:9 widescreen DVD.

When converting my large AVI captured files, I chose the NTSC 16:9 resize option (in preferences), I was able to render an NTSC 16:9 DVD clip which when viewed in Windows media Player 11 appears to be 16:9, BUT when I import the same file into Adobe Encore CS3 the aspect ratio automatically changes to 4:3 and the video clips appear stretched from top to bottom.

I then burnt the test clips and played them on my DVD player and the clips still appear stretched from top to bottom.

What could be causing this?

I have tried both checking and unchecking the keep source aspect ratio option in the CineForm preferences whilst converting but it makes no difference.

Please help me.


Jake Segraves
September 6th, 2007, 12:14 PM
It sounds like the file didn't get flagged with the correct pixel Aspect Ratio. When exporting from Premiere, keep the Compressor at CineForm HD Export and then change the Frame Size to 720 x 480. Then make sure the Pixel Aspect Ratio is set to D1/DV NTSC Widescreen 16:9 (1.2).

That should give you a file that imports correctly in Encore.

For your files you've already exported that are showing up 4:3 and squished, in Encore, just right click on the files and select, Interpret Footage. Then select the conform to button and change the pixel aspect ratio to NTSC Widescreen 16:9 (1.2). Then Encore should see them correctly.