Richard Grebby
September 5th, 2007, 11:57 AM
Im wondering about updating from XP to vista, im wondering whether is it compatable with Adobe CS3, mainly photoshop, premiere, after effects.
Also are there any connection problems in regards to firewire and so on.
One more tech savy thing, I have an AMD 64 X2 dual core CPU, does this mean I should get the 64bit and if I can only get the 32bit version does it make much of a difference?
Thanks in advance.
Josh Chesarek
September 5th, 2007, 02:25 PM
I am using Vista 32bit and an AMD X2 4400+ 64bit. I personally wouldnt bother with Vista 64. All of CS3 is working fine for me so far. I have not really using the on location or green screen app yet though. Firewire has worked fine as well. I think the only reason to goto the Vista 64Bit edition is if you have 4GB+ RAM.
Christopher Lefchik
September 5th, 2007, 07:41 PM
Adobe Production Studio CS3 is Vista compatible. You don't need Vista x64 just because you have a 64-bit capable CPU; the 32-bit version of Vista will work fine.
The main benefit of Vista x64 is in security enhancements and for computers with more than 3 GB of RAM. 32-bit operating systems normally map your system's devices, including your graphic adapter's memory, into the system's physical memory space beginning at 4 GB on down. Which means if you have a 32-bit operating system and 4 GB of RAM, you're losing the use of part of your RAM (and if you've got one of those graphics cards with 512 MB or 768 MB of video memory, you could be losing quite a bit of RAM). A 64-bit operating system removes this limitation.