View Full Version : frozen at 5 minutes?

Jason Leonard
September 3rd, 2007, 10:18 AM
as usual i have a premiere problem...i am seriously considering other nle options for my next project.

recently, for no discernable reason, premiere wont work with clips longer than roughly 5 minutes on the time line. let me explain.

i capture a clip that is a 7 minute take. the clip seems fine, all is right with the world.
i drag said clip onto the time line and prepare to edit.
i scrub to about the 5 minute mark and notice that around that point until the end of the clip is a frozen frame accompanied by the noise neo hears when he gets jacked in for the first time.

what is this?

i haven’t added any plug ins, i haven’t changed any settings or downloaded any updates.
also, this particular test i captured on my c drive, just to eliminate the external hd i usually use as being the problem.

i am running prem pro 1
i have a good processor and enough ram.

also, the clip plays fine when i try to open it in media player.
is it a scratch disk problem or something?
i am out of ideas.

thanks all for you help!

Dan Wilder
September 3rd, 2007, 08:45 PM
Hi Jason,
PPro version 1? It's been a while but I seem to recall similar symptoms when I tried to use Type 1 AVI files. Check your clips to make sure they are Type 2 AVIs. Good luck. -Dan

Jason Leonard
September 5th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Thanks for the input i will check that question do i check if the files are avi1 or 2?
if i right click the filename its only showing avi.
and if its the wrong file type how to i change it?
sorry to sound like such an idiot but i have never had this problem before and so this solution is all new to me.
thanks for your patience.

Ervin Farkas
September 6th, 2007, 10:45 AM
A small free utility called GSpot will let you know what type AVI file you have. Just Google around and you'll find it.

Google around on the internet that is... not to be confused with... the "other" G Spot!