View Full Version : Premiere Pro 2 Presets

Dean Gough
September 2nd, 2007, 04:14 PM
Just downloaded and installed the Prospect2K trial for use with PP2 and AE7. I have a couple of issues with PP2 which I'm guessing are to do with the installation process.

1. The Prospect presets do not show up in Premiere and I cannot find them anywhere on my PC. (assuming they have the .preset extension)

2. Footage will import into bin but will not display correctly in timeline or preview, just flashing green frames

AE7 works perfectly, imports footage very nice indeed :-)

I'm assuming there has been an installation problem but not sure how to resolve it.

David Newman
September 2nd, 2007, 04:25 PM
If you don't have the presets you are likely missing all the plug-ins as well. Contact support and the up you fix your install issue, which is normally due to Adobe's plugins registry being missing or corrupt.

Dean Gough
September 2nd, 2007, 04:49 PM
Wow that was fast!!! Thanks for the help David, I'll get in touch with them

Isn't it Sunday in the US at the moment, go home man :-)



David Newman
September 2nd, 2007, 04:54 PM
Just a warning, Monday is a holiday here in the US, so support won't be back until Tuesday US PST. Yes, I had better get back to my weekend.

Dean Gough
September 9th, 2007, 07:37 PM
Problem solved, great support from Cineform.

Orkan Bayram
September 11th, 2007, 12:37 PM
maybe you can share the solution here and help other people having the same problem.

Jake Segraves
September 11th, 2007, 06:22 PM
maybe you can share the solution here and help other people having the same problem.

When you contact support, we'll send you a registry patch that fixes the plugins path. The reason we don't post a one-for-all solution here is because that path will differ depending on which version of Premiere you're using.

If you're having this problem, just contact support and tell us which version of Premiere you're using. Then we'll send you the appropriate patch.

Dean Gough
September 12th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Which reminds me.....before you add the patch to the registry open it in a text editor and make sure the path is correct. The file I got from Cineform had a default of "C" drive, my apps are in "E".

I use PPro2 so what worked for me won't if you're using CS3.

Thanks again for the great support guys.

When you contact support, we'll send you a registry patch that fixes the plugins path. The reason we don't post a one-for-all solution here is because that path will differ depending on which version of Premiere you're using.

If you're having this problem, just contact support and tell us which version of Premiere you're using. Then we'll send you the appropriate patch.