Andrew Falzon
September 2nd, 2007, 04:00 PM
Hello All,
I have tried multiple times on multiple decks to dub from DVCPro to MiniDV on a DVCPro deck with the MiniDV tape in a "DVCPro to MiniDV" adapter.
For some reason I am UNABLE to record on the MiniDV deck. I have checked the record safety tabs on both tapes, and still nothing...
Is this even possible?
Any help is appreciated!
Glenn Chan
September 2nd, 2007, 04:06 PM
You mean you are trying to record on a miniDV tape, but the deck is a DVCPRO deck?
It may not be able to do that? The formats are similar but not the same.
Mike Poglitsch
September 13th, 2007, 12:33 PM
I have the AJ-D455 Panasonic DVCPro (25) deck. When I connect it to my Avid and use a MiniDV tape with an adapter that fits into my deck it records MiniDV fine. I use the same deck to reverse the process, digitizing something that was shot on MiniDV-- also fine.
DId this answer your question, it was hard to follow.
Paul Jefferies
September 13th, 2007, 01:37 PM
I may be wrong, but I think some of the older DVCPRO decks will not record in standard DV, even though they may play it back. So even though you could get the machine to physically accept the tape, and possibly even start rolling, they would be recording either a DVCPRO signal onto the tape (which would not play back on a DV deck or camera), or nothing at all
Denis Danatzko
September 22nd, 2007, 02:10 PM
Hello All,
I have tried multiple times on multiple decks to dub from DVCPro to MiniDV on a DVCPro deck with the MiniDV tape in a "DVCPro to MiniDV" adapter.
For some reason I am UNABLE to record on the MiniDV deck. I have checked the record safety tabs on both tapes, and still nothing...
Is this even possible?
Any help is appreciated!
I sometimes serve as 2nd cam to an indie whose cam only accepts DVCPRO tape. He always wants me to use a miniDV tape in my HVX. While both are considered DV25, I've always been under the impression that the actual tape in DVCPRO cartridges is manufactured differently, (which makes them more durable than miniDV), and has a different coating that allows what I'll call "a deeper signal" to be recorded on DVCPro tape. I don't know the tech stuff well enough to describe it but I've always thought the "range" of a DVCPRO signal was too wide/broad to be written to a miniDV tape. The anaolgy that comes to mind is that it might be like overmodulating audio, i.e. signal beyond the "peak" is lost and irretrievable. At least that's my understanding. I could well be wrong.
I'm sure others here can better describe the difference.
Glenn Chan
September 22nd, 2007, 02:40 PM
Er... I think the HVX200 can record onto miniDV tape (and not DVCPRO tape).
If you're dealing with data (recording onto P2), the DV and DVCPRO codecs are the same thing.
2- DVCPRO on tape has a wider track pitch. More tape is used to store the signal / the tape is played back faster. The wider track pitch allows for linear editing from what I know (frame accurate).