View Full Version : Shark Tank for UWOL #5
Kevin Railsback September 19th, 2007, 05:46 AM Yeah, I think this is a tough one if you don't want to film domestic animals.
Some of us are blessed to be in places where that's more possible than for others.
Per, if you know where to go in Yellowstone you can consistently film bears.
For instance Rosie the black bear hangs out by Tower Junction and Roosevelt.
The black bear in the Yellowstone flick was walking down the road. I drove ahead and filmed for a while. I have footage of it walking past my bumper.
Left, ate breakfast and came back and filmed some more which is what's in the film after it had walked off the road.
That is Steven's Yellowstone title. That's my little homage to him. :)
I emailed him and asked him what font it was and how he manipulated it. Good eye for catching that. :)
Yeah, mammals is a frustrating theme for me. I know I could have been in Yellowstone the beginning part of September and really done something I would have been proud of.
Oh well, it's what Wednesday, that gives me what 2.5 hours of sunlight to get something shot before the deadline?
Steven Gotz September 19th, 2007, 06:15 AM Moving into a new house is consuming every waking moment, and we haven't even closed on the house yet. Paint colors, carpets, furniture, loan papers.
That plus my day job and it looks like I won't even see my camera for another few weeks.
Meryem Ersoz September 19th, 2007, 08:58 AM there's some good shooters heading to the tank this round...rats!
i am thinking that this Challenge is going to yield up some of the most interesting films to date--and also going to fill the shark tank with folks who can't put it together. it's pretty much make-or-break with the cooperation of the mammals.
it is a good opportunity to support your local wildlife rehab facility with a free 30-second spot.
Chris Barcellos September 19th, 2007, 10:09 AM Chris,
That is Steven's Yellowstone title. That's my little homage to him. :)
A week after 9/11 I was traveling through Yellowstone. We went to the over look for that waterfall. At time, all I had was a Sony Digital 8, as I recall. When I was heading out to the outlook to set up the camera, lightening started rolling through the area, and that thunder was a bit frightening.... Though it best not to set up and shoot at that point.... so I'll have to go back.
Mat Thompson September 19th, 2007, 10:22 AM "it is a good opportunity to support your local wildlife rehab facility with a free 30-second spot."
That an interesting idea Meryem :-) Could make for a nice uwol change!
Paul Mailath September 21st, 2007, 06:39 AM Okay - I'm in - hope the water's cold (I'll warm up in the sauna first)
I had some very average footage and I thought about doing something with it but had a look at some of the past entries - wow! you guys do some amazing stuff. I'm happy to have even stuck my hand up - next time I'll be ready!
Jeff Hendricks September 21st, 2007, 06:57 AM Sorry colleagues,
I am in here too...doing the butterfly (my stroke on the high school swim team)...
See you next time,
Catherine Russell September 21st, 2007, 10:32 AM Hey you guys... Kevin, Paul, Jeff and anyone else out there thinking of taking a swim...
GET OUT THERE AND FILM! The deadline hasn't happened yet. Film road kill for all we care! Pull it off! Kevin, as I recall you put something together in a day last time and you were in the winning circle. Better than I've done the entire challenge. Take Gabe as your inspiration! He did it... in the nick of time he did it, and as I recall he got LOTS of input, especially from you Kevin!
Remember, it's all about the t-shirt guys! Keep your focus! (HA!)
Kevin Railsback September 21st, 2007, 09:25 PM I'm trying.
Let's see, Kevin is tied up by 6:30 every morning until Thanksgiving. Sun rises here at 6:54.
Kevin gets back to the office at 7:10. Sun sets here at 7:05.
Takes Kevin 20 minutes to drive out to the nature center where he wants to get some footage. Trails close at sunset. Kevin is sad. :(
I'm hoping to squeeze some tim in Sunday and maybe be able to go out by 3PM to film. so we'll see.
All I know is I have to hit the hay cause 5:30 is gonna be here before I know it! :)
Rob Evans September 22nd, 2007, 09:14 AM Arrrrggggggghhhhhhh!!!
"Glug glug gluuuuggg......"
roughly translated from underwater speak:
"Had plans for this one, but I've actually taken a contract for a load of video stuff, which is great, but it's tied all my spare time up :( So looks like i'll be swimming with the sharks !!!"
Good luck all, looking forward to watching your entries!!!
Gabriel Yeager September 22nd, 2007, 09:50 AM Today is my last chance to get something, and I don't think I'll find it either. :(
Sounds like I really will be taking a swim...
Mat Thompson September 22nd, 2007, 01:06 PM Blimey....the sharks are going to be getting very fat on this round!
Steven Gotz September 22nd, 2007, 05:54 PM I spent the day supervising the painting of my new house, shooping for shelving, picking colors with my wife, etc.
The sharks can have me, I am beat.
Markus Nord September 23rd, 2007, 01:41 AM hmmm... I got some shot this morning... I hope I got time to edit, but working to 5 pm today... I think I can get some time tonight. But it's not in the water... crap!
Markus Nord
Per Johan Naesje September 23rd, 2007, 05:01 AM Hi Markus,
good to hear that you might got something! Remember that we (challenger in Europe) have some ekstra hours to get the film uploaded. the deadline is midnight anywhere in the world on monday the 24th, which mean that we can upload until Tuesday by noon and still be within the deadline!
This worldclock might help you out to be within the deadline:
Good luck Markus, looking forward to you entry!
Meryem Ersoz September 23rd, 2007, 09:04 AM i'm always happy to see the shooters struggle their way out of the shark tank with a few toes left intact....good luck, markus!
Gabriel Yeager September 23rd, 2007, 09:31 PM Yup... I'm in for good. Bummer. :(
Guess the Girlfriend takes up all my time now.
Glad to see you may have made it out Markus!
Markus Nord September 23rd, 2007, 11:34 PM hey... thanks all for your suport...
I got my film uploaded last night so everything is in order.... sad to hear that you din't make is Gabriel (those girlfriend always scrow things up, my wife tock a trip to her parents so I got the night of for editing)... those sharks are nasty!
I cheer a beer for lost friends!
Markus Nord
Geir Inge September 24th, 2007, 01:28 AM Glad you made it Markus :)
And to you Gabriel:
It's important to cherish the ones you love, so don't you worry :)
I'm sad that you're not in this round though.
Gabriel Yeager September 24th, 2007, 11:31 AM Yes, it is sad...
And to you Gabriel:
It's important to cherish the ones you love, so don't you worry :)
Yes it is. That is exactly why I did not get anything in this time...
Can't wait to see what you guys got that managed to keep you out!
Trond Saetre September 24th, 2007, 11:35 AM Sorry to hear you had to take a swim in the tank, Gabriel.
Hope you come back for UWOL 6.
Can't wait to see more of your films.
Mike Blumberg September 24th, 2007, 11:06 PM It is with regret I have not been able to even start on this challange.
I have been in a constant state of editing the last 4 weeks and will not have the time to do anything until the end of Oct.
I hope to enter the next one and look forword to seeing your great work. "Good luck to you all".
PS Kevin, great yellowstone video.
Bob Thieda September 25th, 2007, 05:07 AM Blub, blub, blub.....(did I mention I can't swim?)
Too much to do....too little time.....
Bob T.
Grant Sherman October 14th, 2007, 08:47 AM Glug, glug, (another non-swimmer)
Left this one to the last minute and then I had to travel 2 days early.
Oh well, 3 weeks in Vermont has helped me recover from the loss of a shirt :(