View Full Version : Sony HDR_FX1 with VCL_DH0774

John Woo
August 29th, 2007, 09:43 PM
I want to share my new wide angle adapter from Sony mounted on my FX1 and the good thing is there's no distortion and the whole setup can be done for under $150. VCL_DH0774 is meant for Sony's DSC-H7 & H9 with a filter thread of 74mm. Since these are high resolution 10.2M pixel digital camera, someone in this forum reckon the wide angle adapter will be suitable for video camera. The only problem is how to find a 72-74mm step-up ring? This is what I did

1) 72-77 step-up + 77-74 step-down will give us a 72-74 step-up ring. This cost me about $20

2) Sony VCL-DH0774 for $120

When testing my new setup, I have my ME66 mounted on the mic holder and it did not get into the view even at full wide so this setup can also be applied to Z1 owner. If you like to see some of the stills I captured from the footage, it's here -

My working table is messy, pardon me.

Tom Hardwick
August 31st, 2007, 10:56 AM
Thanks for sharing, and the before and after shots are always appreciated. You say there's no distortion John, but for such a mild converter (0.7x) the buildings (2nd picture) take on the distinct curved look of barrel distortion.

The lens is a full zoom-through? And what of the coating? Your first shot shows a lot of reflection in the converter's front element.


John Woo
September 1st, 2007, 04:27 AM
I have more time today so I took out the wide adapter for another testing and I reliazed even without the wide adapter, building seems to have some form of distortion at full wide on my FX1 ( pls see the new pic I took). With the wide adapter, the distortion is more but I think it is manageable to me. I am going to try this adapter in my next wedding project.

This adaper is almost a 'full zoom through'. The only problem I found is at around 90-95% zoom, image got all blurred out and focusing is an issue.

This lens is rated HG (high grade) as per Sony website

Tom Hardwick
September 1st, 2007, 05:50 AM
You're absolutely right John, the FX1's 12x Zeiss zoom exhibits quite considerable barrel distortion right out of the box. An easy way to see how bad your camera is is to set it up in front of a 16:9 TV screen:

OK, your Sony converter adds little in the way of extra distortion, but I could also say the same about it's field of view from the building tower shot you posted. Do you feel that for the slight increase in the field of view, the lens is worth buying, carrying, fitting and hooding?


John Woo
September 1st, 2007, 11:23 AM
I find the field of view is sufficient for my own use. FX1 widest is down from 32.5mm to 24.3mm after 0.75x

About the cavision lens hood you use, need your advise, the sony adapter front outside diameter is 104mm, will this cavision lens hood be suitable?

Thank you

Tom Hardwick
September 1st, 2007, 02:33 PM
It should be a pretty good fit - 104 to 105 mm might just mean you need a small band of black adhesive tape aroung your len's outer diameter to make it screw tight.

What I can't say (without tryng out the combo) is if you'll vignette the image at all. The hood's biggest failing is that it's a 1:1.1 aspect ratio instead of the FX1's 1: 1.8. Put another way - the hood is 'square' whereas it should be a 16:9 rectangle.


Buba Kastorski
September 3rd, 2007, 08:22 PM
Hey John,
can you tell me pls, if there any vigneting with this setup, cuz if not I'm getting one, it's wide enough and looks light,
thanks for sharing!

John Woo
September 5th, 2007, 01:05 AM
This is the shot from my FX1 at full wide with and without the Wide lens

To me, it is really acceptable result and furthermore, my ME66 Mic does not get into the way. The Lens is rated High Grade standard as it was meant for 10.2M pixel camera.

Do take note at full zoom (12X) focusing is an issue. But that's ok for me as I seldom shoot at full zoom. If really need to, I will just removed the converter.

I am going to try out the sunshade from century optics and keep you posted whether it will fit nicely

John Woo
September 6th, 2007, 02:40 AM
I managed to put on the Century Optics wide angle Lens hood and this is how it looks. The lens hood fits perfectly and no blocking at all. Only problem was it is quite huge, the outside length was almost 7 inches. The shop wants to charged me $270 for this. I think I will get it from BHPhoto insead, they are selling at $125