View Full Version : Ultmately dumb question: What is 24f for?

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Kyle Prohaska
September 12th, 2007, 12:21 PM
24p in itself isn't that film look that people look for...its only a part of it. Its the 1/48th shutter that gives the motion IN the image. 24fps is just a frame rate but it does add to the film like look. The 1/48th shutter + the 24 cadence = that look that people look for. Shooting 30fps means 1/60th shutter (not always but you get the idea) so 60i, 30p, etc. will always have that video look although 30p does get closer to that nice filmic movement. Film look is more than mere 24p though as other stated, every other aspect of filmmaking goes into that look, light, composition, blah blah blah.

Not sure if I just restated something everyone said but w/e...

- Kyle

Poppe Johansson
September 12th, 2007, 12:32 PM
Is it? Happy you. Only in standby it remains it's shutterspeed, or in card mode. After switching on/off it's gone and you are in 1/25 again (PAL).
Like TC is back to 00:00:00:00 if you switch the cam off. Even if you preset it with a number like tape 4 start with 04:00:00:00

I wonder why the PAL version does that; I don't think it should.

Yes, it shouldn't do that. My PAL A1 does keep shutter and TC information, even when battery is removed.

Raymond Toussaint
September 12th, 2007, 01:53 PM
Yes, it shouldn't do that. My PAL A1 does keep shutter and TC information, even when battery is removed.

So you are happy too? Hmmm...., so its not a limitation on the PAL model but only on the one I use :>(

Some memory that can't hold its power, maybe the internal batterie? Mine does not hold that data, good to have this board Poppe and Bill!

Jim Bucciferro
September 12th, 2007, 01:54 PM
If I shoot 24F and edit it in a 24F timeline, once I convert it to interlaced DVD for TV isn't there a loss in quality?


Denis Murphy
September 13th, 2007, 02:58 AM
Yes, it shouldn't do that. My PAL A1 does keep shutter and TC information, even when battery is removed.

Mine too. No default to 1/25th here.

Denis Murphy
September 13th, 2007, 03:01 AM
If I shoot 24F and edit it in a 24F timeline, once I convert it to interlaced DVD for TV isn't there a loss in quality?


Why would you convert? DVD players can handle 24p. The DVD player will do the conversion to interlaced, you don't have to do this yourself.

Raymond Toussaint
September 13th, 2007, 08:34 AM
Nope...I did some experiments to re-find what is happening during the shoot.

Try this:
Set cam to TV mode
Shutter to 50
Push exp. Lock (so you lock the exposure)
Switch cam off

Switch cam on again
look at the shutter....
its 25 again!

And that is what is happening me during the shoot! BTW my cam holds it data in other circumstances. Like changing batterie. So no problem with it.

Poppe Johansson
September 13th, 2007, 08:48 AM
Try this: ....

True. This way it goes back to 25 also in my A1.