View Full Version : Is it safe to picture eclipse

Mickey Mackwan
August 25th, 2007, 02:44 AM
sorry guys can someone remove this just read the article wrong its lunar eclipse i thought solar eclipse

might try and get it on the tape......i dont have any filter except the clear uv would it damage the camera in anyway ???
Lunar eclipse montage
Montage of 11 photos of the lunar eclipse of October 28th, 2004, from Uruguay with a 500mm at f/8 using Kodak Gold ISO 100.
Image credit: Eduardo Manuel Alvarez

A total eclipse of the Moon takes place on the evening of Tuesday 28 August. The Moon starts moving into the Earth's shadow at 6:51 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) and is full immersed in the shadow at 7:52 pm. Totality is over at 9:23 pm and the eclipse ends at 10:24 pm. For people in the eastern half of Australia the whole eclipse is visible while for people in the west the eclipse starts with the rising of the partially eclipsed moon. People in the westernmost parts of Western Australia have the dramatic sight of the reddened totally eclipsed Moon at moonrise.

John Hewat
August 28th, 2007, 12:28 AM
Still worth posting - I'm gonna shoot it with the V1 and see what happens. What settings do people recommend for this?

Gabriel Yeager
August 28th, 2007, 12:35 AM
I'm about to go shoot it myself here in a few hours with my Elura 100. I hope it does not do any harm...

Wish you all luck who are trying this! I'm just going to hit buttons and hope for the best!

Chris Soucy
August 28th, 2007, 01:25 AM
A lunar eclipse can't do any damage to your gear whatsoever, lest you trip over it in the dark and trash it (now that's happened a few times!).

Can't suggest settings. Last time I tried, I really wished I had a good, old fashioned, mechanical SLR for the job, as my all singing, all dancing, smack bang up to date digital (Nikon D80) didn't want to know. Then again, it's rapidly earning a reputation with me as being one of the most cantankerous damn bits of kit I ever owned.

Technology, who wants it?

Enjoy the eclipse - I will, if we can see it down here (cloud - not unknown in these parts).


Simon Denny
August 28th, 2007, 01:58 AM
I've got my trusty PD170 & im going to give it a go.
Looks like a clear night in Sydney.

Whit Wales
August 28th, 2007, 06:50 AM
No damage to be done with a lunar eclipse.

In terms of settings, I stumbled onto this accidently - it was counterintuitive to me, but whenever I shoot the moon - and I'm not talking the card game of hearts - I set the camera to the ND2 setting and flavor the aperture to taste!

Here's an untouched frame grab of a shot from a wedding last weekend.
Moon was distant, lens fully zoomed.

Happy shooting!



Chris Hurd
August 28th, 2007, 08:09 AM
So who can share their pics of last night's Blood Red Moon?

I stumbled out of bed at 5am to shoot it but was treated instead to an overcast sky.

Charles Papert
August 28th, 2007, 01:04 PM
Last week we had such a thing sitting right on the cityscape but by the time I struggled up to my balcony with tripod and still camera, it had faded away. Would have been a fantastic image. Of course everyone would have assumed Photoshop...

Gabriel Yeager
August 28th, 2007, 02:05 PM
I stayed out with some friends last night to watch it, it was sweet. Looked as if someone did use photoshop! It was insane! As sad as it is, my battery was dead... :( It would have been awesome to get on tape tho, truly amazing... Well worth getting up for.
