View Full Version : Lens for XL1

October 4th, 2001, 10:45 PM
I read a article on the Optex Pro Zoom Lens on the XL1 Watchdog site.

How would you compare the Optex Pro Zoom Len to the new Canon 16x Manual Servo Zoom Len for the Canon XL-1.
I know nobody didn't use this lens but do you thing this len would be as sharp as the Optex Pro Zoom Len.
I ask cuz I like that the Canon 16x Manual Servo Zoom. has,

Manual focus with markings.
Auto or manual iris.
Power or manual zoom with markings.
Comes with ND 2.7 and ND 5 filters.

But the only thing stopping me buying the Optex Pro Zoom Len is that there is no ND filters.

But if the Canon 16x Manual Servo Zoom Len is as sharp as the Optex Pro Zoom Len, then I would most likely get the Canon.
I know the price or the canon cost more but the price really don't bother me. I just want to get the better lens.

Thanks you for your time and a quick reply would really help me out.


Chris Hurd
October 5th, 2001, 08:59 AM
Hi Mark,

The Optex lens was an early solution to putting a full-manual lens on the XL1, early in the lifecycle of that camera, back in 1998. Canon followed with their own 14x manual lens (with the round lens hood) in 1999. The pro's and con's of both lenses are mentioned in my "Guide to XL1 Lens Options" in the Articles section of the Watchdog. Briefly, they are:

Optex 14x:
con: "no lens" flashes in viewfinder
pro: optional remote focus and remote motor zoom

Canon 14x:
con: no remote zoom available
pro: slow shutter speeds available

The new Canon 16x manual lens coming in November has the two ND settings plus a zoom motor built-in.

I've heard from some people that the Optex lens is sharper and better built than the older Canon 14x. No comparison to the new 16x yet because it's not out yet.

The older Canon 14x can still be found for about $1,000. I have an Optex lens, unused and in "like new" condition, for sale for $1200. Let me know if you're interested.

October 5th, 2001, 09:06 AM
Thanks for you post back to me. Sharpness is a big plus for me, so i will wait for the new lens to come out.
BTW ZGC is elling the Optex lens for $1000.

Talk a look for your self


Chris Hurd
October 5th, 2001, 09:14 AM
Thanks Mark... I didn't know that... well I guess I should offer mine for $900, but that's getting close to my "ah, just keep it" mentality... but if you really want it let me know... it needs to go to a good home where someone will actually *use* it -- instead of sitting on a shelf all the time like it does here.

Adrian Douglas
November 11th, 2001, 08:22 AM
Still have that lens Chris, I could be interested pending a reply from Michael Pappas. I'm going to be shooting a short. Scary stuff, first time away from the sports shooting, and I want to make sure I have the right gear.

Chris Hurd
November 12th, 2001, 01:21 AM
Adrian, I still have it -- although I must say I've never shipped anything overseas before.

Adrian Douglas
November 12th, 2001, 05:36 AM
Ok, I'll e-mail you about it. Subject - Manual Lens