View Full Version : Getting a dead cat that fits

Erik Norgaard
August 23rd, 2007, 06:54 AM

Sorry, one more dead cat question. I'm not into dead cat surgery, so I'd like to get one that fits.

I've settled on an AT897 mic, it comes with a windshield but no size specifications. I can't find a dead cat specifically for the AT897. Now, the RODE dead cat fits on top of the RODE windscreen that fits NTG-2.

Question: Will the RODE dead cat fit the AT supplied windscreen (AT8134)? Or, does the RODE windscreen (WSVM) fit the AT897?

The NTG-2 is 22mm diameter and the AT897 is 21mm, I don't know if this is enough difference to be of any problem. But I don't know about the length - the total length is about the same, but no idea of the length of the mic that needs to be covered (does this part have a name?).

Thanks, Erik

Kevin Randolph
August 23rd, 2007, 10:54 AM
When I bought my AT897 I bought this kit:

and the Rycote Softie that is in the kit seems to work like a charm. Fits the mic well (just slips on) and this past February I did an outdoor shoot on a windy day by the river and got nearly no wind noise.

Here's the link for just the Softie:


Steve House
August 23rd, 2007, 11:04 AM

Sorry, one more dead cat question. I'm not into dead cat surgery, so I'd like to get one that fits.

I've settled on an AT897 mic, it comes with a windshield but no size specifications. ...

Take a look at the Rycote sytems page There's a mic locator tool on the left mragin that lets you search for the correct versions of all their products for use with a wide variety of mics and the AT897 is included in the list

Abe Dolinger
August 24th, 2007, 12:24 PM
Yes, the Rode Dead Cat for NTG-1 fits over the AT897 foam windscreen.

Erik Norgaard
September 3rd, 2007, 03:42 AM
I got the Rode DeadCat, and yes, it fits the AT8134 windscreen, also, it appears that the Rode WSVM windscreen fits the AT897, the slot length is 125mm.

Since I couldn't find any place where the dimensions are posted, I will post it here for future reference:

Rode WSVM Length: 160mm, inner diameter 22mm, outer diameter 46mm.
Rode DeadCat Length: 160mm, diameter 46mm
AT897 windscreen (AT8134) Length: 160mm, inner diameter 21mm, outer diameter 46mm.
AT897 slot length: 125mm