View Full Version : How to do this Music Video/Camera Effect

Giuseppe Palumbo
August 17th, 2007, 07:08 PM
i really dont get how they have such a precise shake haha. Its reallly good and the focus pulls are amaizing. Do they do the shake in post, on a tripod, certain device. Anyone know.

The Video is "The Way I are" by Timbaland.

Justin Tomchuk
August 18th, 2007, 07:20 PM
I think they must have used a HD camera and did the rumble or shake effect in post only because if they did that with the camera for real, they would almost have to mount it on some strange machine that moves in odd directions, and very quickly and with zero gradual inclination in velocity while also taking in account for beats in the music.

Giuseppe Palumbo
August 18th, 2007, 07:33 PM
hmm, I wonder if they just track the motion like crazy and do all the focus in camera?

Nate Weaver
August 18th, 2007, 11:09 PM
My opinion is that this was done in camera. It's definitely possible with the right gear:


The Clairmont shaker is built mostly for earthquake fx, it uses an optical group in front of a prime lens to move the image around without shaking the entire camera. The controls on the box are things like X frequency, X amplitude, Y frequency, Y amplitude, etc, so it's not really built for precise moves...but it's been around for many years and Clairmont specializes in custom solutions IF you have the budget, so maybe they've put a joystick controller on it by now.

2-Shift tilt rig with gears loose. Shift tilt rigs are an adaptation from view camera can move the lens in just about any direction from the imaging plane to achieve various perspective and focus plane effects. When adjusted to the right place, the lens is supposed to stay in place, but you could rig one to stay loose and make effects like your linked video. Think of it as a non-motorized version of the Clairmont Shaker.

My friend Matt Bass directed/DP'd this video where he just wiggled a loose shift/tilt rig. I think he might have even shot this on a Varicam or HVX: