View Full Version : Hitachi Blu-Ray Camcorders

Dana Salsbury
August 15th, 2007, 09:20 AM
Has anyone looked into the new Hitachi Blu-Ray Camcorders?

I'm excited to see these, as they would make an excellent third (unmanned) camera for us, and if I'm not mistaken, a dual-purpose way to offer Blu-Ray to clients without the need to buy a burner.

It concerns me to think of recording to disc with my moving cameras, but for my unmanned camera, Blu-Ray could really speed things up -- and without the need to but a dedicated Firestore.


Peter Jefferson
August 15th, 2007, 11:27 AM
Would you like a photographer to shoot YOUR wedding with a point-and-shoot camera?

Professionals should ask themselves this question when purchasing equipment.

As a hidden camera, or one which is stashed behind a plant or what have you, it might work, but aside from that, BD burners are dropping in price and October should see a significant boost to the burner market in regard to price falls and availability.

Dana Salsbury
August 23rd, 2007, 05:58 AM
As a third, unmanned camera, yes. If it meant having that third shot without me charging them substantially more for their video. (All my costs by necessity go to the bride). It's on a tripod, so shake is not an issue. Sound is covered by the other cameras. Zooming is not an issue, and the shot is always wide, and with this cam I don't need to spend time capturing.

If the picture quality is there, this cam may become my third AND fourth. There is no need for advanced features for unmanned cams -- it's overkill.

I go to my third cam only occasionally at the present for the wide perspective for maybe three seconds. If I were doing anything else with it, of course I'd go higher.