View Full Version : HV20 Edit search?

Luc Fender
August 13th, 2007, 06:51 PM
Is there a way to do edit search in recording mode (like Sony's edit search)?
It would let you review recording and stop at any frame to re-record from that point.

I do notice there's something similar called end search but I can only activate it from the tape playback menu (which is strange since that should be in recording mode).


Austin Meyers
August 15th, 2007, 01:05 AM
there is an end search feature in record mode, when you hit the set button it's on the first pop up menu, on the left with the little uturn looking icon. iv'e never gotten endsearch in playback mode to work for me, it's always grayed out.

as far as reviewing shot footage when i camera mode... not possible.