Glenn Gipson
April 20th, 2005, 08:15 AM
Premiere will support JVC Pro HD.
View Full Version : JVC Pro HD and Adobe Premiere Pro Glenn Gipson April 20th, 2005, 08:15 AM Premiere will support JVC Pro HD. Joe Carney April 20th, 2005, 08:40 AM Vegas 6 does too. HDV 24P support is built in to the included Cineform codec. Greg Gelber August 3rd, 2005, 02:10 PM I downloaded the free HDV upgrade for Premiere Pro last night and although there is now an HDV option in the pulldown menu (way cool), the website doesn't have the GY-HD100 listed as a supported camera. No worries though, for years my old digital 8 was never in the listed for camera control so I just used the closest model to get control. Below is the link to download the update. Philip Hill August 8th, 2005, 06:24 AM i found that the update provides for 1080 - 50i and 60i 720 - 30p only where's the 25p option? (also no support for JVC's 24P HDV) Thomas Smet August 8th, 2005, 08:00 AM It looks like nobody supports 25p or 24p HDV yet. I really hope this is fixed soon. Steve Mullen August 8th, 2005, 11:47 AM CineForm will support 25p and 24p in AspectHD. So the question is in the HDV I/O) routines done by Abobe. Ian E. Pearson August 8th, 2005, 08:12 PM Vegas 6 claims to support all those formats, including 720/24p. I can't back that up though because I haven't tried it. Douglas Spotted Eagle August 8th, 2005, 11:45 PM Vegas 6 claims to support all those formats, including 720/24p. I can't back that up though because I haven't tried it. Vegas does support all of the above formats, amongst many others Scott Webster August 9th, 2005, 12:03 AM Unofficial word on the Apple front is roughly a couple of weeks before we see any updates to Final Cut Pro for the JVC. From the sounds of things this will be similar for most other developers. -Matthew. David Newman August 9th, 2005, 08:47 AM Aspect HD has supported capture and editing the new JVC modes for sometime; several of the JVC sales staff have been using Aspect HD to demonstrate real-time editing of their new camera. The data has been available from JVC for some time so most NLE providers should catch up soon :) Glenn Johnson August 9th, 2005, 10:38 AM How do you get on if you want real time play back on to a HD TV/monitor. Will this be displayed via the graphics card or do you need extra hardware e.g an all singing editing card... Thanks David Newman August 9th, 2005, 11:25 AM Aspect HD can do it via a dual head graphics card. Prospect HD does it via AJA Xena HDSDI card. Glenn Johnson August 9th, 2005, 11:38 AM So basically I could have Adobe Premiere 1.5 with Aspect HD plug in, a graphics card like Matrox Parhelia and thats all I need to edit HDV 720p. (plus a high spec PC of course) I have been editing DV for a number of years and use a Pinnacle DV500 card. An editing card like this is not necessary then for HDV? The graphics card and processor do all the work? Excuse my naivety, but the whole NLE for HDV is a little confusing for me at present and I work with computers! Im thinking of building my own system, but the whole editing card issue is what I am concerned over. I apreciate your help on this David. Thanks David Newman August 9th, 2005, 11:46 AM Most NLE tools have switched to software approaches to editing rather than hardware acceleration. Aspect HD uses the CPU for all RT decoding and all effects, transitions and color correction, the GPU is only used to output scaling. As a result good CPU helsp (dual core -- more so) and graphics card need not be the most expensive (the Parhelia APVe is a good choice.) Glenn Johnson August 9th, 2005, 02:27 PM David I really appreciate your help on this. So just to confirm - with the matrox card I can play an HDV capture to an external HDTV/monitor from the adobe premiere timeline. Just like I used to be able to with standard DV. David Newman August 9th, 2005, 02:41 PM Yes. However currently this is a preview mode output. We intended to (finally) allow for disabling the preview for full quality timeline monitoring for the new JVC 100U camera. This update to Aspect HD should happen soon. Sorry I can't give more details until that happens. Glenn Johnson August 9th, 2005, 03:10 PM Last question David! Whats the difference? Thanks for your time David Newman August 9th, 2005, 03:50 PM Not a huge amount, and zero on the final output. The CineForm codec has a preview decoding mode for increase real-time mixing of multiple streams of video. Prospect HD allow you to turn that feature off, Aspect HD doesn't in the current release (AHD was designed for a wide range of PCs.) Future versions of Aspect HD will be more like Prospect HD, by offering more user controls. Glenn Johnson August 9th, 2005, 05:46 PM Cheers David. I'm in the UK. Is this okay for me to use? David Newman August 9th, 2005, 05:51 PM Sure. We have nothing against PAL countries. :) David Shaughnessy August 21st, 2005, 12:47 AM I notice they say Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 is needed for the HD Plug-in to work! I refused to install SP2 as it crashed my system every time I tried to install it. Do they really mean it when they say you have to have it installed? And what happens if you just have SP 1? Anyone know? David Newman August 21st, 2005, 10:48 AM It is a major pain to make the cameras run on SP1 as they're are not automatically recognized. I can't remember how it is done, although I found this old post that might help : David Shaughnessy August 21st, 2005, 01:42 PM Thanks David. I'll check it out. David Michael Maier December 8th, 2005, 01:26 PM I’m getting a funny behaviour from Premiere Pro. When I playback my footage and watch it in the LCD camera monitor on external monitor, it plays fine, smooth and clean. But if I capture the same footage with premiere (1.5) and then try to playback the clip captured, it play fine for the first 10 sec or so, but then it shows extreme and severe macro blocking. Very ugly, like a continuous dropout or something. I thought I might have dropouts in my footage, so I went back and watched it again in the camera’s LCD and it plays fine. Anybody know what’s going on? Premiere is set to 720p 29.37, then I go to custom and set it to 25p Thanks for the help. Michael Maier December 9th, 2005, 05:42 AM I guess nobody is using Premiere to ingest HD100 footage here. So what are you guys using then? Sean Livingstone December 9th, 2005, 06:50 AM Is that after you have rendered it? Michael Maier December 9th, 2005, 07:35 AM No. That's just after I have captured it. I go to my HDD folder where the clips were captured to and try to play them using Windows media player, quicktime or realplayer. Mikael Widerberg December 9th, 2005, 08:41 AM Do you use Cineform Aspect as a plugin when capturing? Michael Maier December 9th, 2005, 09:28 AM I was trying their demo, yes. Although I was just using Premiere's capture tool. I thought AspectHD just works through it, as Premiere gives me the option of opening a HDV 720p project. Does AspectHD have it's own capture tool? David Newman December 9th, 2005, 10:03 AM There are two capture drivers, one that comes with Premiere Pro 1.5.1 that doesn't support the HD100, and the one that is added by Aspect HD, which works great with the HD100 (in all modes.) If you start with the 720p24 Aspect HD preset you will be use the new capture driver. Aspect HD also comes with HDLink, a stand-alone capture utility that will help you diagnose capture problems. Have a quick read of the included Aspect HD manual on using HDLink. Once your capture works in HDLink you will get Premiere Pro capture working (if your PC is at least a P4.) Daniel Patton December 13th, 2005, 09:55 PM I had the exact same issue today when I did my first capture into PP 1.5, I was afraid I ruined my master tapes going through airport security or something. Then when I found out the master was fine I started looking at the new deck and was ready to ship it back. Nice to know someone else had this problem. I'll try Aspect HD. Thanks for the info David. Earl Thurston January 9th, 2006, 04:03 PM Figured I'd revive this thread with another question. I now have the HD100 and currently use Premiere Pro 1.0. I know I'll need to upgrade to 1.5.1. My question is this: My hardware is a P4 2.66 GHz with 533 bus. It's just a tad under the recommended minimum. Will Premiere Pro 1.5.1 and AspectHD run on this system, even if its less than real-time? Or will something in the software mix arbitrarily say "nope, doesn't meet minimum specifications" and refuse to run at all? (I've seen that with some software.) If it does run, what will I lose performance wise? (I really only need one real-time stream since I mainly do cuts-only editing with the occasional transition.) Here's the reason I ask: I can afford to either upgrade to PP 1.5.1 with AspectHD and use the same hardware, OR, upgrade to PP 1.5.1 and new hardware but have to forego AspectHD. David Newman January 9th, 2006, 04:22 PM Early, I have some good news for you. The minimum system specs are for 1080i Sony users (which there are many thousands) which is alot harder to process than the JVC's 720p24/25/30 images. Your old P4 will run pretty well on the JVC footage. You can even download the Aspect HD trial and run that on Premiere Pro 1.0 which supports most of what you need (minus export to M2T -- which you may not need anyway.) Give it ago. Earl Thurston January 9th, 2006, 04:43 PM You can even download the Aspect HD trial and run that on Premiere Pro 1.0 Oh really? I was surprised by that...the info on your site implied I needed 1.5.1 first. I was going to try Aspect HD yesterday, so I downloaded the PPro 1.5 trial and tried adding its 1.5.1 patch, but the patch wouldn't install without the full PPro version. I gave up and tested Connect HD instead. (Which works, with an occasional error.) But if I can use Aspect HD with just PPro 1.0, that would be dandy. Will give it a try tonight. David Newman January 9th, 2006, 04:57 PM The web site will say things that reduces a tech support load. :) We do support PPro 1.0 but there some restrictions, it particularly has issues with 1440x1080 1.33 pixel aspect ratio (an issue you not have.) Please give Aspect HD a try on Premiere Pro 1.0. Earl Thurston January 10th, 2006, 02:40 PM Just tried Aspect HD last night. Wow... At the risk of sounding like a shill, I'm very impressed. Not only did it work on my older PC, it performs better in HD than PPro by itself in SD. I actually got a real-time dissolve, whereas I would normally get a lower-res proxy until I rendered. I'm sold. Noticed two minor quirks so far: - If I apply any Aspect HD filters, the button for bringing up the settings dialog box isn't working. No dialog appears (but an entry gets added to the History). I can, however, change the parameters in the Effects window. - The image in the Monitor window changes brightness depending on playback speed. Still frames and slow scrubbing are darker than real-time, which jumps up in brightness. Makes it hard to tell which level is correct. David Newman January 10th, 2006, 03:01 PM Earl, Glad you like Aspect HD. Here is some here with the minor issues. 1) That button is like an appendix, it doesn't do anything (one we will work out how to remove them.) 2) You have an NVidia card, follow the instructions in the readme for calibrating the NVidia output. Earl Thurston January 10th, 2006, 03:14 PM 2) You have an NVidia card, follow the instructions in the readme for calibrating the NVidia output. Will do. Thanks for the info. John Vincent January 31st, 2006, 10:25 PM Still mulling over editing solutions... Don't love Premiere, but I've only used the orginal version. Any reason for hope w/2.0? John Shawn Alyasiri January 31st, 2006, 11:53 PM How about Canopus Edius? It took a little getting used to, but I dig it... Laszlo Horvath February 1st, 2006, 08:55 AM How about Canopus Edius? It took a little getting used to, but I dig it... I'm changed to Edius from Premier about a year ago. I love it. Specially now, when support the HD100 100% Laszlo Chad Simcox February 1st, 2006, 05:40 PM I think we're about to try it using the AJA xenaLH card with version2. it should be supported... Lance Bachelder February 2nd, 2006, 10:31 AM Yes - it works natively in PPro 2. However, I would strongly suggest anyone using Vegas 6 or Premiere Pro 2 to buy either Aspect or Connect software from Cineform. You can then capture the files as 4:2:2 .avi files and work in multi-stream realtime in either app. If you have the Xena card you can capture files from ANY HD camera as 10 bit 4:2:2 files in Premiere Pro using Prospect, the "pro" Cineform add on and then cut your project as 10 bit for pristine graphics etc. The other cool thing about the Propect/Xena thing is you can capture the 8 bit 4:2:2 feed right out of the JVC's component out direct to disk and convert to 10 bit on the fly - bypassing the HDV format! This the method we plan on our next feature. You can also capture the 60p feed out of the JVC as 60fps via Xena for true slow-mo! Sorry to sound like a Cineform commercial, but I've tested their stuff extensively and it's just awesome! Their .avi's perform much better than native HDV files and I can cut, color correct etc. as fast as a DV project. Lance Tip McPartland February 2nd, 2006, 12:52 PM Lance, You see very well versed in things Cineform, Aja and Adobe. So hopefully you can help with the following question. I'm a bit confused by the Aja lexicon, the HS, the LH and so forth. As I recall, PP 2.0 supports the HS only -- supposedly. On the other hand, Prospect HD supports the LH. Forgive me if I've slightly mixed up the nomenclature, but I'm sure you know which products I'm referring to. Adding to the conundrum is that the HS is much less money, but doesn't have analog component inputs. What would you recommend? What if I can't afford Prospect but want to enable Aspect HD to output 4:2:2 8-bit SDI for mastering to D-5, etc.? Iinput could still be HDV 4:2:0 footage via firewire. My system is dual twin-core Opteron 275 currently with 4 x 500 GB array and 4 Gigs of RAM. I am about to install Aspect 4.0 and the full Production Studio. My camera is HD100 and I have the BR-HD50 deck. I also have the Addenda serial control cable which I understand should work with the PP 2.0 install. Thanks very much for any clarification you can offer! Tip Lance Bachelder February 3rd, 2006, 12:31 AM I'm a bit confused by the Aja lexicon, the HS, the LH and so forth. As I recall, PP 2.0 supports the HS only -- supposedly. On the other hand, Prospect HD supports the LH. Forgive me if I've slightly mixed up the nomenclature, but I'm sure you know which products I'm referring to. Adding to the conundrum is that the HS is much less money, but doesn't have analog component inputs. What would you recommend? What if I can't afford Prospect but want to enable Aspect HD to output 4:2:2 8-bit SDI for mastering to D-5, etc.? Iinput could still be HDV 4:2:0 footage via firewire. My system is dual twin-core Opteron 275 currently with 4 x 500 GB array and 4 Gigs of RAM. I am about to install Aspect 4.0 and the full Production Studio. My camera is HD100 and I have the BR-HD50 deck. I also have the Addenda serial control cable which I understand should work with the PP 2.0 install. Tip Yeah the new cards from AJA are confusing, more so because of the whole PCIe vs. PCI-X slot thing and the fact that you need the version with component connection for JVC live capture. I know Cineform is working to qualify all necessary cards - I would contact them directly for up to the minute info concerning PPro 2 and the right card for Prospect and your hardware. Keep in mind, you don't need the card if you are shooting to tape - only if you plan on capturing via component outputs of JVC 100. Aspect 4 works fine and fully supports 8 bit 4:2:2 capture right from the camera via firewire or via the JVC deck. You can monitor the HD signal via DVI to a widescreen LCD or add a Quadro 540 with component breakout box for true HD viewing while editing etc. You can always render your final product and firewire drive it to tape on another system. Sounds like you have a great system - good luck with your projects! Lance PS - Since you'll probably have to deliver a 1920x1080 master, take a look at Algolith plug-ins ( Just tested uprezzing Cineform/JVC footage - also used the noise reduction filter - insanely great results, but 15 sec. a frame render on my Intel 840 system. Should go quicker on your AMD monster system. Gabriele Sartori February 3rd, 2006, 12:39 AM The other cool thing about the Propect/Xena thing is you can capture the 8 bit 4:2:2 feed right out of the JVC's component out direct to disk and convert to 10 bit on the fly - bypassing the HDV format! This the method we plan on our next feature. You can also capture the 60p feed out of the JVC as 60fps via Xena for true slow-mo! Lance Beside that going from digital to analog to digital again scares me, how can you have 4:2:2 ? May be the format is 4:2:2 but it is artificial in my opinion. Once the tape has been recorded in 4:2:0 information is lost and you may playback and capture in 4:2:2 but I don't see how you can re-create that information. Regards Gabriele Tip McPartland February 3rd, 2006, 02:21 AM Gabriele, I know that this sounds suspiciously like hocus pocus, but it's actually a really cool capability. Let me take a shot at saving Lance the time to reply to this very good question. The short answer is that going from 4:2:0 to 4:2:2 is just line-doubling of the chroma data. First, let me describe what 4:2:0 is. Basically, odd and even lines have the same chroma information. But like 4:2:2 both have half the horizontal resolution of the luma. So in the vertical axis, chroma gradients change half as often as luma gradients. So if the chroma channels, but not the luma, are line doubled which is a very mature form of interpolation and pretty much perfected, color gradients will have the proper intermediate steps on the lines that had duplicate chroma data. It would also double the number of "stairsteps" on diagonals with large chroma differences. I'm sure there's a bit of fancy footwork required if there is a sharp jump in chroma data that really falls between the doubled lines but is scrambled by the initial 4:2:0 encoding. But most fine detail is carried in the luma channel, and furthermore this problem would require a nearly perfect horizontal color line, so this is probably not a big issue. From everything I've read on various forums, this evidently works quite well, which is not surprising as the technology of line doubling is very mature. Tip Lance Bachelder February 3rd, 2006, 01:16 PM Gabriele, The component outputs on the JVC bypass any HDV encoding and is a true 720p 4:2:2 8 bit feed - this is different from capturing to tape and converting to 4:2:2 intermediate format. The new Canon has HD-SDI out which is also 8 bit 4:2:2 at 1080i - bypassing HDV format completely. You are really using these cameras as imaging devices and capturing the true HD .avi's to a hard drive - ready to edit. It works, I've seen it and cut, color timed the files! A recent test I attended in Hollywood revealed that these live captured Cineform files keyed better than f900 HDCAM files that were recorded to tape! At one tenth the price! Lance Jason Hamby February 8th, 2006, 05:12 PM I'm in a similar situation preparing for a studio shoot, and I can't decipher the Aja Xena cards. HS - SDI in/out, PP2 Native support. Full Cineform support. No Component or breakout box available. LH(e) - SDI and Component in/out, plus optional breakout box. Cineform support in progress. But this card is for After Effects, not Premiere. So if I get ProspectHD AND the LH, once Cineform is updated, what kind of performance will I get with Premiere? I want to use Premiere 2.0 and After Effects with Prospect HD. I have no need for SDI, but I do need a component in/out for capture and TV playback. Decklink makes more sense to me. I just can't afford the required hard drive for uncompressed HD (720p), and there will be some need for uncompressed SD. Mark Schultz February 20th, 2006, 02:24 PM I just got Aspect HD 4.0 with PPro2.0, shooting 24P and have been unable to capture within PPro--getting mondo dropouts. Using HDLink, it doesn't work either--dropouts again.... unless I capture in .m2t, then manually convert to .avi with HDLink. I think maybe my CPU/hard drive is too slow to convert and store on the fly, although I'm using a SATA drive. It is a 2.8ghz P4 with 2GB PC3200 ram. My config about matches the minimum recommended system. I don't see any way to improve this situation short of getting a faster computer. (I've tried disabling all the memory resident software na running only HDLink). Love the camera though! Anybody know anything tricky I might try to get a straight capture to avi? By the way, I have captured some test green screen video and plopped it into Ultra 2, and WOW. Ultra 2 likes HDV. I had to make no adjustments to get an almost perfect chroma key. I am astounded. |