View Full Version : Video Editing Software?
Denny Kyser August 13th, 2007, 11:17 AM I have downloaded a few free trials trying to see which software I want to try, but not having any luck.
Adobe Premier CS3, I cant capture the video from my Canon XH-A1.
Console, I also cant capture video?
I do have the firewire hooked up corectly, I can see the video, on pc in these programs, just cant get them to capture.
I did get Vegas to capture but not sure if this will do all I want, granted I have not learned it yet, but before spending $$ on training DVD's wanted to ask you guys what you think.
This video is the type of stuff I want to do, it is the kind of thing that inspired me into getting the XH-A1.
I love the slow motion and great transitions.
Will Vegas do this?, if not what would you suggest.
Steven Davis August 13th, 2007, 11:36 AM I imagine Vegas would so this.......................................minus the 4 photographers, three videographers, one sound man, stabilizer vest, and bride willing to jump into a river.
Pete Bauer August 13th, 2007, 11:43 AM Not sure exactly what the limitations are but I think the TRIAL version of Adobe products have some HD and MPEG functions disabled. In that case, you'd need to try it out using DV.
Console, which also has some features disabled in the trial version, has a very particular setup routine that requires certain camera settings at certain points in the installation. When Console first came out, I tried to set it up before they had the instructions posted and it was an exercise in frustration. Once the instructions got posted, worked quite nicely. Sorry, not at home today so can't check the details. Doublecheck that you've followed the setup instructions to the letter.
Can't speak to Vegas, except that they do have a trial version as well.
Denny Kyser August 13th, 2007, 11:59 AM Thanks for the replys.
I believe that is the case, the HD functions are disabled.
I know there is a HUGE learning curve ahead, just like there was to photoshop, Capture One etc, but just trying to get information before I start learning a software and find out its not going to do what I want.
I take it that Vegas does do the slow motion effect.
Steven Davis August 13th, 2007, 12:20 PM Slow motion can be done in Vegas, either by envelope or just 'stretching' the clip.
Denny Kyser August 13th, 2007, 12:24 PM Slow motion can be done in Vegas, either by envelope or just 'stretching' the clip.
Thanks Steve, sounds like this may be worth learning then, I also need to do a DV recording and see how adobe is.
Although Adobe is more, can upgrade from my Photoshop CS2 and get it at a reasonable price.
Thomas Smet August 13th, 2007, 12:59 PM While you are testing out NLE's be sure to download the trial version of Avid Liquid to check it out.
Denny Kyser August 13th, 2007, 01:11 PM While you are testing out NLE's be sure to download the trial version of Avid Liquid to check it out.
Thanks, that looks like another qood product.
My goal was to stay around $700.00 but would go up to $1000.00 for the right software, I realize you get what you pay for, just dont how much I will need to do what I want.
Ray Bell August 13th, 2007, 03:20 PM Denny, Adobe does not allow HD editing on the trial versions of their software....
but when there's a will, there's a way...
And a good work around at that...
Download the Adobe CS3 Premier Pro from the
Download the Cineform Prospect trial from
Load the Adobe Software and then load the Cineform software...
Now when you open up the Premier Pro program you will see the Cineform
HD presets for you to test the software out ....
Denny Kyser August 13th, 2007, 03:27 PM Denny, Adobe does not allow HD editing on the trial versions of their software....
but when there's a will, there's a way...
And a good work around at that...
Download the Adobe CS3 Premier Pro from the
Download the Cineform Prospect trial from
Load the Adobe Software and then load the Cineform software...
Now when you open up the Premier Pro program you will see the Cineform
HD presets for you to test the software out ....
Thanks will try that tonight
Thomas Smet August 14th, 2007, 07:01 AM Thanks, that looks like another qood product.
My goal was to stay around $700.00 but would go up to $1000.00 for the right software, I realize you get what you pay for, just dont how much I will need to do what I want.
There are a few version of Liquid. Liquid and Liquid Pro. All Pro adds is a hardware box so you can work with analog video capture. The box also allows pretty much anything you edit in the timeline to be output on your TV in realtime. Some people have great need for the pro box but not everybody needs it. If you plan on doing mostly DV or HDV editing then you don't really need it to capture analog video. The box is still nice to see your edits on your TV but it isn't needed if you are on a budget. For HDV editing the hardware output gets scaled down to SD anyway. It is still a great way to see what you are doing but the way Liquid is designed you don't really need it. Liquid has two great features for viewing HD material.
1. With a click of a button the video will fill up your monitor. This way you get a full screen HD preview of what you are doing. If you are using dual monitors you can still edit on one monitor while the second monitors shows the full screen preview. Since the box is hardware you cannot test it out with the trial version.
2. Liquid can be setup to use your second monitor strictly as a HD monitor. This means your first monitor will work exactly like Liquid while the second monitor will act as a HDTV for realtime preview of what you are doing. In order for this to work both monitors have to be exactly the same. This features is a little computer system sensitive and depends on a good video card to work well. It is something you can test out with the trial version however.
Liquid on it's own is much cheaper then the pro version. I think it is half the price. If you do not need the hardware box then go with the software only version which is exactly what you get with the trial version. Oh and HD editing will work right out of the box. In fact Liquid has native support for the 24F and other F modes from the Canon cameras. With Liquid you will not need to buy Cineform and you will be able to capture F video and edit as progressive inside of Liquid.
Jeff Mahar August 18th, 2007, 01:21 PM Adobe Premier CS3, I cant capture the video from my Canon XH-A1.
Hey Denny, what is happening when you are trying to capture from the A1 with PP CS3? I am using this and not having any issues (no drop frames, miscues, etc.) I have a fairly recent system, but I'm assuming that isn't playing a part. I like using PPCS3 a lot. I am wondering if there is something disabled in the trial version that would be keeping you from the capture.
Glenn Chan August 20th, 2007, 02:07 PM Importing HDV material onto the timeline is disabled in the trial.... presumably the same thing is happening with capture.