View Full Version : AKG BLUE Line

Pavel Tomanec
August 10th, 2007, 12:42 PM

I'd like to introduce myself as this is my first post here. I am a student of photography and video art in London. I am using Vegas 7 (since version 3) for video and Photoshop CS2 for images.

I would like to ask for help with audio for just acquired Canon XH A1. Being based in UK, I kind of made up my mind and am willing to go for AKG Blue line for its price\performance ratio. The price here is much better than in US.

I'd like to use it mainly for indie movie making and documentaries.
I plan to get capsules CK 91 for ambient sound and CK 98 for voice (interview, dialog) and outdoor.

Now, i cannot properly decide whether to get CK 93 or the shotgun (CK 98).

Actually I will welcome any advice on this system.

I should ideally make a decision by Tuesday 14th latest. I will leaving for Himalayas on 25th August.

I was also thinking about AKG USL line but at this point just beyond my budget.

Thanks in advance.


Pavel Tomanec
August 10th, 2007, 12:47 PM
Sorry, I should post this in HDV forum, Moderator please move to appropriate location.

Chris Hurd
August 10th, 2007, 01:03 PM
See and reply there.

Always search first before posting new threads -- thanks,

Pavel Tomanec
August 11th, 2007, 05:26 AM
Thank you Chris, I did thoroughly searched before posting. Unfortunately, it seems to me there appears to be kind of indefinite opinions on the AKG Blue line system.

In addition my question was probably not so clear. I would like to know from people who have experience with the system (and particularly shotgun CK 98) or capsule CK 93 at least for this Himalayan documentary.

...or maybe other practical suggestions.

I should note that this is one man project and perhaps may get help on location from friends or other local help from non-professional.

Thanks very much again.
