View Full Version : CS3 Dual Monitors - Preview to 2nd Monitor

Miguel Lombana
August 8th, 2007, 02:47 PM
I've just started to experiment with PPCS3 and am bothered by something but not sure if it's a problem on Adobe's side or mine, looking for feedback.

The setup worked flawlessly in PPRO2.0 where I can set playback to my 2nd monitor and use it for preview, however in CS3 the option to set the monitor does not come up in the playback dropdown, only DV and none.

Anyone else have a similar setup and have this working? I am running on an NVidia FX1400 card with the latest certified drivers, the previous drivers were working on PPro2.0 and I updated when this issue crept up.

Thanks in advance,

Carlos Rodriguez
August 8th, 2007, 08:14 PM
in ppro 2.0 I was only able to get this feature to work with HDV and not DV. which are you trying to do? I was hoping they would have this issue resolved for dv with this release. Sony Vegas will do DV on a second computer monitor.

Marty Hudzik
August 9th, 2007, 06:32 AM
I am not at my computer but I am pretty sure I had CS3 outputting fullscreen to a 2nd monitor while working with a short DVX progressive clip.....I think. I remember that I thought it was cool that they finally had this option for a DV preset as I could not do this is PPRO2. I'll try to verify at lunchtime.

Miguel Lombana
August 9th, 2007, 02:29 PM
WOW I'm a dork...

OK I have been using it in HDV under 2.0 and now CS3 and yes it outputs to the 2nd monitor, when I tried an SD project, which is unknown for me as to why I was under the impression that I was monitoring when editing SD, the tab is no longer optioning the 2nd display panel.

Sorry gang, I had a blond moment.