View Full Version : Print to Video TIP from Final Cut Pro

Clayton Moore
August 5th, 2007, 03:34 PM
If you already know about this cool, if not test it out for yourself.

1st off you know that the HV20 needs you to start sending video to the camera before it will record right.

Ok ....

Using the function Final Cut Pro has to print to video using HDV will take a while as long as you use the features in the print to video window to add black or bars and tone or anything there.
The process of conforming back to HDV takes time which depending on your project can be annoying. There is a way to work around this.

Instead of creating those various print to video elements on export create them in your timeline 1st. Then export a QuickTime movie out to your Hard Drive that includes any black or bars etc. Import that back in and print to video keeping those check-box like black and bars and slate "unselected" its much faster that way since the movie after export now conforms to HDV already.

If you so much as add a few frames of black within your in and out points (outside your movie clip) your back to watching paint dry again.

In the help menu of Final Cut Studio 2 under Working with High Definition and Broadcast Formats read the section on Working with HDV, it will teach you a lot about what this format is and how it works.

For those of you who don't have Final Cut Pro you can read that here:

If you don't have an Apple ID You will need to create one ... just your typical user log-in thing.

Have fun.
