View Full Version : Image captured breaking up

Chan Ee Jien
August 4th, 2007, 11:42 PM
I recently shot some stuff and when i viewed it on the pc the image was breaking up like the pic i attached.

This problem is very recent. I never encountered anything like it before. I did change my firewire cable few months back but did not encounter any problem then.

I capture and transcode to Cineform in high mode. I also captured to MT2 using Vegas and the same prob occured so it isn't Cineform's fault.

To be sure, I took an older tape of footages shot a month before (which captured perfectly before) and try recapturing it to verofy this problem. The same problem occuredwhich means the problem is recent (and the tapes are not at fault, mainly use Panasonic dvm60).

The image breakup is completely random. For example on a 30 min straight capture (i don't use split scene btw), for the first time capture, the image breaking occurs only at the end. For the second time recapture, it occurs in the middle and a little at the end.

Any ideas before I take it up with Canon :(

ps. The image breakup doesn't show up in the lcd at all.

I'm using an XHA1, forgot to mention this LOL

Michael Wisniewski
August 5th, 2007, 12:06 AM
I'd try a Panasonic cleaning tape first, to see if that cleans up the problem. Panasonic since that's the tape brand you're using.

Richard Hunter
August 5th, 2007, 02:15 AM
Hi Ee Jien. It looks like it could be a firewire problem. Can you try a different cable, or a different firewire port?


David W. Jones
August 5th, 2007, 06:49 AM
Clean the heads!

Chan Ee Jien
August 5th, 2007, 08:11 AM
I just bought the panny dv head cleaner and cleaned it for 10 seconds. Still the same prob.

I will be getting a new fire wire cable and card to test it out further. I did switch firewire ports in one of my prev test and the same prob still occurred. I hope the problem does not lie within the camera itself.

Bill Watson
August 5th, 2007, 05:25 PM
Have you tried the 'Component Out' terminal straight to a TV or monitor?

David W. Jones
August 5th, 2007, 06:00 PM
Does the picture break up on the camera's monitor, or just when captured?

Chan Ee Jien
August 6th, 2007, 02:32 AM
The image does not break up on the camera lcd when i play it back. It only breaks up after i captured it onto the pc.

Richard Hunter
August 6th, 2007, 05:37 AM
I saw a similar effect (not as severe as this though) when I used to run a Matrox editing card a few years ago. The tech support guy said it was due to "data starvation" thru the firewire connection. That's why I suggested trying another cable or port.


Chan Ee Jien
August 6th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Sorry guys, I think I made a mistake in my assessment.

It seems capturing from Vegas does not yield any of this image breaking issues (I checked twiced to be sure). I captured MT2 from Cineform HDLink and that had image breaking issues,not the Mt2 captured from Vegas. Gotten really mixed up here.

I will take it up with Cineform from now. Thanks alot.

ps. At least I made myself get that tape cleaner after a long while heh. Yes,I recorded probably more then a hundred hours...due for cleaning.