View Full Version : HVX200 and Redrock Micro download footage

Erick von Schulz
August 4th, 2007, 01:26 AM
I had my camera and it was getting busy on the street. So I grabbed it and caught these shots...

I did not have my field monitor so where the actual focus point is on some shots is anyones guess... But I was testing for color on this one.... Most shots are sharp.. Just shrink the video window in half with what ever viewer you are using to compensate for the video compression....

45mb wmv file 720P 24fps Redrock micro and 85mm F1.4 lens

When you go to the link on the left side it says click here to download.. just click there and you will have it in a sec....

It looks pretty good for an under 5 minute shoot... Remember focusing is a beeotch without an external monitor.. This is true with or without the M2... At least for my blind butt it is...

I hope you like it....

Matt Burton
August 6th, 2007, 04:20 AM
Nice stuff Erick !
So you were working upside down for this shoot, hows your head ?

Phillip Palacios
August 6th, 2007, 06:30 AM
was exposure and white balance on auto?
it seems to shift both quite a bit, or were you adjusting the iris as you shot?

Giovanni Speranza
August 9th, 2007, 04:20 AM
There is a huge barrel distorsion and defocused edges. Is this the best M2 can do?

Gene Crucean
August 9th, 2007, 05:00 AM
was exposure and white balance on auto?
it seems to shift both quite a bit, or were you adjusting the iris as you shot?

Man no kidding!

Erick von Schulz
August 13th, 2007, 08:13 PM
I think the softness comes from compressing it to the wmv file.. as for barrel distortion.. I don't know what you are talking about there... Can you explain the effect so I can look into it.....

Leonard Levy
August 13th, 2007, 09:01 PM
Giovanni, you're probably right to call attention to what looks like distortion and soft corners, but i would appreciate it if you would stop bashing the Redrock, just because you never adjusted your own correctly. It's just not what the spirit of this forum is about.

This is the work of someone who just bought the unit. If you want to see good images from this system just go to their website and there are plenty of knock-out examples. I've shot plenty of lovely images with both the Redrock and the Brevis.

Erick, It's hard to judge considering how much compression you've applied to the image, but i would suggest that you have not optimized your M2 for corner to center sharpness.

This could be both a basic set-up or just whether you had your video lens focused exactly right on the screen. It helps to have an external monitor for this - even a Marshall. its just as critical as focusing your 35mm lens.

With all the adapters precise focusing on the screen is very critical and if you are off a tiny bit the corners go soft right away. I always bring a large resolution chart on a stand and check my HVX focus on the screen before I start to shoot. I find it hard to be precise just by looking at the screen by itself, but regardless always spend time trying to get the corners and the center optimized. It may mean some sacrifice of center sharpness.

Also with the M2 you need to have the distance of the screen from the video camera optimized. Too far or too close also throws off the corner to center "sweet spot" with the achromat and it needs to be centered and flat to the video camera. What you want is for all 4 corners to focus at the same point and for the corners to focus as close to where the center focuses as possible. You have adjustments inside the unit and in the how the camera is aligned on the support base if it doesn't seem flat.

With all the adapters you also need to make sure your 35mm lens is at the right flange focal depth so that your lenses focus at infinity where that is marked on your 35mm lens. Check a few other focus marks to also make sure those are correct. At about $1000+ a pop none of these units are immune to quality control being slightly off. Spend some time playing with these parameters and the results will probably improve.

- Lenny Levy

Erick von Schulz
August 14th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Thanks for the info Leonard.. I guess I need to get a focus chart.. I was using the motherboard box of my computer and a 24 inch Dell to check for edge to edge sharpness... But could never seem to get it... I use a hardmount so it does not move around... But this is why I am still doing tests....

I really probably only have about 8 hours worth of experience with it since I bought it last year...

I love the bokeh effect but I am still trying to learn how to use it so i can get rock solid images like so many others have obtained...

I will keep on tweaking.. Thanks for the help.. Which is what this forum is all about anyway...

Also on that shot there was only 6 inches of focus area.. sop the out of focus background is on purpose.. Only from the phone to about 6 inches in front of the phone is in focus...

i was shooting with a very narrow depth of filed, on purpose....

Leonard Levy
August 14th, 2007, 04:15 PM
Another little trick is just to turn up your detail level. I often ride it between +5 and +7 with the Redrock. It doesn't look at all enhanced to my eye.
Its hard to judge on a Dell though because that exagerates detail anyway.