Joseph Williams
August 2nd, 2007, 11:49 PM
I got the Ok from my wife, and was about to hit the "submit" button on ordering the Azden 200ULT from B&H Photo. Something told me to read the reviews on it, well I read the reviews and was reading how people were having problems with audio once they got within 10ft of each other. This would be a big problem for us when hunting, as 75% of the time we are within 10 ft of each other. If I buy this do you think it is going to be a mistake, I will be filming mainly from Tree Stands & Ground Blinds!
As you can see I was going to get a 2 channel system w/2 wireless mics. Is there anything you would recommend to me?
This will be used on the FX1, so I would need it to plug into the 3.5m jack.
Tip McPartland
August 3rd, 2007, 01:02 AM
The ATW-1800 series is most likely the sweet spot in the dual channel market. They are down to $1195 on B&H and work very well. The receiver is large though, so check dimensions and weight to make sure it will work for you. Performance is flawless with two mics -- no ten foot limit!
The mics they come with are adequate, but I upgraded my systems with Countryman EMW mics that are definitely a step up. Be careful to get the correct Hirose connectors.
You will need an adapter to send the dual XLRs into your 1/8" plug.
John M. McCloskey
August 3rd, 2007, 07:11 AM
Well this is what I have done for the last 8 years videoing outdoor activities, 3 things I never head in the woods without is a real good pair of headphones, Tram TR-50 mics, and absolutly my audio channels set to manual not auto. And yes when people are whispering in a hunting situation Wireless mics no father than 10 inches from there mouth is the way to go, a shotgun mic on a HDV camera is useless with whispering talent. Good Luck
Joseph Williams
August 3rd, 2007, 08:05 PM
Thank ya fellas, I got a great setup thanks to Michael Middleton from this website.
I appreciate your help.
Ervin Farkas
August 6th, 2007, 05:38 AM
Ummm... which website?
Carlos E. Martinez
August 9th, 2007, 03:01 AM
I got the Ok from my wife, and was about to hit the "submit" button on ordering the Azden 200ULT from B&H Photo. Something told me to read the reviews on it, well I read the reviews and was reading how people were having problems with audio once they got within 10ft of each other. This would be a big problem for us when hunting, as 75% of the time we are within 10 ft of each other. If I buy this do you think it is going to be a mistake, I will be filming mainly from Tree Stands & Ground Blinds!
As you can see I was going to get a 2 channel system w/2 wireless mics. Is there anything you would recommend to me?
This will be used on the FX1, so I would need it to plug into the 3.5m jack.
Let me get it well. What do you mean by "people were having problems with audio once they got within 10ft of each other"?
You mean using wireless systems within 10ft of each other? If the frequencies are well apart, they can even be 1ft apart and there won't be any problem. I know that because I own several Lectrosonics systems, non-diversity, VHF and UHF, one channel, and I can use them all together with no interference within each other.
Once I sent a list to Lectrosonics to check whether I had done my choices correctly and they agreed. There was one that was more critical, but in my actual tests it also did fine.
My brand of choice wouldn't be Azden though. Pick a Lectrosonics, Sennheiser or Sony type, non-diversity to pay less and with just a few UHF channels. Pick one with balanced output and buy an adaptor to connect to the FX1.