Jose Ortiz
August 2nd, 2007, 08:43 PM
I'm probably needing some help from somebody editing in CS3 using CFhd files.
I'm in the middle of a project and my entire sequence lost the recognition of the all the transitions and effects.
Everything was running fine until the Premier Cs3 finished one rendering inside my time line and everything was gone. I'm still able to see my transition in the time line but there is no way to see the them after rendering or exporting the file with the added filters. All my project was started fresh in cs3. This is the first time that I see something like that. I lost all my added properties to scenes even that I'm still able to see them on the timeline. This including opacity, matte key, filters.....
Please is anybody having any idea of what is happening here
I also noticed that when I hit enter inside my time line to do rendering sometimes my program crash. Actually mostly all of the times.
Is that normal for a 2 dualcore 3.0 Hpxw8400 with 4gig of memory?
Is that could be related to the other issue too?
I'm in the middle of a project and my entire sequence lost the recognition of the all the transitions and effects.
Everything was running fine until the Premier Cs3 finished one rendering inside my time line and everything was gone. I'm still able to see my transition in the time line but there is no way to see the them after rendering or exporting the file with the added filters. All my project was started fresh in cs3. This is the first time that I see something like that. I lost all my added properties to scenes even that I'm still able to see them on the timeline. This including opacity, matte key, filters.....
Please is anybody having any idea of what is happening here
I also noticed that when I hit enter inside my time line to do rendering sometimes my program crash. Actually mostly all of the times.
Is that normal for a 2 dualcore 3.0 Hpxw8400 with 4gig of memory?
Is that could be related to the other issue too?