Dana Salsbury
August 2nd, 2007, 09:47 AM
Glitch number 3,947:
If you bought Vegas 7 and have never owned a previous version, you may encounter a problem saving. Vegas 7 says that it is unable to save a Vegas 6 file, and deletes the file! Only the shortcut remains from the recent documents folder. There is not a trace of the real file on my hard drive. I have never owned Vegas 6. I'm thoroughly confused why it deleted the file, which had been working fine up to this point. Thoughts?
Edward Troxel
August 2nd, 2007, 10:06 AM
What file did it delete?
Terry Esslinger
August 2nd, 2007, 10:14 AM
If you never owned Vegas 6 or never had it on your box how did you have a Vegas 6 file for it to delete? It didn't go to the recycle bin? What about the backup file?
Dana Salsbury
August 2nd, 2007, 05:51 PM
That's the strange thing. I created the file in Vegas 7, and had been saving it just fine. Then the last time I saved it it generated an error that it could not save a Vegas 6 file. Both the file and backup are gone, though the shortcut is still there, so I'm pretty sure I'm not out of my mind. There is nothing in the recycle bin.
The only thing I can figure is that my hard drive is going bad, but I didn't think HDs went bad this way -- and it doesn't explain the error.
BTW, Edward, the file it deleted was the Vegas 7 file & backup.
I've rebuilt the file, prettymuch, and am just going to ignore it until I can transfer over to my new Mac.
Edward Troxel
August 3rd, 2007, 07:27 AM
BTW, Edward, the file it deleted was the Vegas 7 file & backup.
You mean the VEG file?
The only thing I can figure is that my hard drive is going bad, but I didn't think HDs went bad this way -- and it doesn't explain the error.
Actually, an issue with the file allocation table *could* cause something like that. It's not often something like that happens but it's not an impossibility.
Dana Salsbury
August 3rd, 2007, 10:32 AM
Thanks Edward. From now on I'm using it for archiving only.
(and yes, the VEG file)