View Full Version : Meryem, where is your feedback thread??

Trond Saetre
August 1st, 2007, 02:45 PM
Meryem, you have forgotten to make your own feedback thread!
Even though you don't really compete for the winning title, I think you should have a feedback thread too, just like everyone else in the UWOL family!
And I'm sure the others would agree with me.

So, let me say that you made a great teaser for your real/commercial project. I like your editing.
I enjoyed watching it, almost as if I was there myself.

Thank you for sharing, and thank you very much for hosting this challenge.
It is a lot of fun to make these videos.

Meryem Ersoz
August 1st, 2007, 09:34 PM
geez, can't get away with anything in these parts!

due to e-mail glitches between mat's and my accounts, i posted this last week, a day after the regular deadline, but it didn't get on the website until much later--Comcast's fault, not mat's.... in the last Challenge, i did post a feedback thread. but in this round, i wasn't really looking for feedback, i just don't like to be left out of the fun n games!

but hey, thanks for watching. the real footage will be on TV, and i have to save the good stuff for the broadcast. these are just a few scraps that fit the theme!

Trond Saetre
August 2nd, 2007, 03:57 AM
but in this round, i wasn't really looking for feedback, i just don't like to be left out of the fun n games!

but hey, thanks for watching. the real footage will be on TV, and i have to save the good stuff for the broadcast. these are just a few scraps that fit the theme!

Don't worry. You will never be left out of the fun.
And by the way, giving feedback and get comments from the others is parts of the fun about this challenge.

Will the real footage be broadcasted in Europe too, or only in the states?

The real footage must be awesome if what you showed us is only considered "scraps" and leftovers.
Must have been hard to cut away such quality footage.
Good luck with your broadcast project!!