View Full Version : Follow-focus whip. What size is the 'standard' square pinion?

David Garvin
July 30th, 2007, 09:38 PM
There are follow focus' made by Cavision and RedRock and Chrosziel and Zocuto all of which seem to have square 'ports' on them into which you can insert a follow-focus whip.

Do they all use the same or similar sized pinions? (the square end of the whip that fits into the follow focus) Can anybody with a whip from one of these companies tell me what the size of the pinion is?


Ben Winter
August 2nd, 2007, 06:40 PM
You'd get a better answer over at probably. More film-oriented gearheads there.

Seth Kersey
August 2nd, 2007, 07:31 PM

Redrock states that their whips are "Standard Arri size".

The only size I could find is for Willytec equipment, they say theirs uses "standard 12mm square coupling for compatibility with existing whips and speed cranks".

I have no idea if this is industry standard though... please be sure to post here if you are able to get answers elsewhere.

David Garvin
August 5th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Interesting info that the Willytec is "standard 12mm square coupling for compatibility with existing whips and speed cranks". I had a Cavision follow focus' square hole measured for me and it was reported to be 6mm x 6mm.

I think it's odd that the Cavision might NOT be standard. Since Cavision doesn't even appear to sell whips themselves it would only make sense that they'd put on a port that fit with whatever was considered 'standard', otherwise it'd be useless.

I'll report if I find any more info.
