View Full Version : Monitor that can be used on both a camera and a crane?

Terry Lee
July 30th, 2007, 04:14 PM
Hello guys - I know I've asked this question before in another thread but I am fishing for different opinions.

I am looking for a monitor that can be mounted on a camera the size of an HVR-Z1U as well as a crane the equivalent of a kessler 12" crane.

Any experience with similar equipment, please let me know.


Joseph Hutson
July 30th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Don't know, but I have a Z1U and am looking at the Kessler 12 ft. crane. Do you have a Z1U, and did u buy the 12 ft. crane?

Also, if I buy a monitor, it will probably get a DVD player. You can get a DVD player, with built-in TV tuner, plays cd's mp3 files, and look at JPEG's...all for $189! Did I mention it was a10" screen with a 4 hour battery?

I know for an on camera mount, that wouldn't be the best, but for a crane monitor, getting a 10" monitor for $189 with the above description, would be WAY better than just a plain monitor for the same price, and only a 5" screen.
