View Full Version : 16:9 bars in 4:3 footage, overlay? in Pal

Richard Grebby
July 29th, 2007, 01:41 PM
Im turning some 4:3 footage into widescreen by putting black bars top and bottom. I can do this no problem in AE using magic bullet but dont want to go into AE yet. Is there an overlay I can download to do this. Or can someone give me some numbers in which i can make an overlay.

This is for a PAL film.


Ivan Barbarich
July 30th, 2007, 01:08 AM
Hi Richard,

In AE, why not add a black solid layer on the very top of the footage, and mask out the area you want to be seen, leaving the bars behind, and all footage underneath that layer will be seen.

If your in premiere, use the "clip" (video effects/Transform/Clip) Add this to your clip in the timeline, In the effect control punch in the numbers for top and bottom.

Another way to do it, is to go into photoshop, create a new project with your PAL settings 720x576, create the bars (maybe use a still frame from your footage as reference) save as .PNG (any format that saves transperency) and import that into Prem project, and place it on the top most video track...streach it out to fit length of footage....The other two alternatives, I think are much easier, and quicker.


Richard Grebby
July 30th, 2007, 05:14 AM
I have a few layers of video and a lot of cut aways so unless I can paste attributes to multiple subclips at once, cropping them is not an option.

Either way I still need the numbers for a correct widescreen pair of black bars.