View Full Version : Methodically converting to HD/HDV - thus is my Sony PVM14L2 now obsolete?

Lonnie Bell
July 29th, 2007, 05:25 AM
Hi all,

My Sony PVM14L2 has 16:9, underscan, RGB component, S-video, etc... So, is there anything i could use it for in the world of HD/HDV? I don't believe it will accept an HD signal (ie. component analog). Thus, I'm wondering if I can use it at all... With the 16:9 button, can it display a proper dimensioned (proportions) HD image, but in a SD resolution?

When I get a BM or AJA BOB I assume I can send it a down-converted signal - but what good is that - would my colors be okay for color correcting or would they not be accurate after the down-convert?

Field monitoring for critical focus or shot composition seems doomed unless I route a SD signal to it - again, is this downconverted signal good enough for Critical Focus? (I realize i can compose the framing, but i can do that with anything)

For what it's worth, my SD edit/shoot monitor world consists of 2 Dell's (20 & 24inches), Panasonic TC-7WMS1 in Nebtek enclosure, and a Sony PVm14L2 Production monitor... just trying to figure out if the Sony has a life in my upcoming HD world...

Love to hear from the engineers, the real life, and the creative...


Lonnie Bell
July 30th, 2007, 01:01 PM
Hello... ello... ello... ello.......