- Kill Bill - Quentin Tarantino
- Lord of the Rings: Comments, critiques
- The Straight Story
- Saw a great movie called Time Changer
- Seeking Movie Sites
- Movie Talk - What do you like?
- Scariest Movie You'v Ever Seen
- Best movie about movies
- Star Trek: What's the basic formula?
- Full Frontal reviews
- Adarnajuat:The Fast Runner
- Top 10 movies you should watch ...
- Trading Spaces
- Did you guys see "Come and See"?
- Kundun
- Two significant losses yesterday
- el mariachi / desperado (& a bit on se7en)
- Traffic
- Requiem for a Dream
- Tora Tora Tora vs. Pearl Harbor
- Comedy Central's Daily Show with Jon Stewart
- Latcho Drom