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  1. U2 on SNL
  2. Greatest WW1 and WW2 War Films
  3. Best horror films?
  4. Long lost Ed Wood Film rediscovered
  5. are ya sick of Pixar copycats yet? (CG movies)
  6. DVinfo topic of the week - If you could remake...
  7. Do Hollywood flicks seem to be getting crappier?
  8. Raiders of the Lost Ark (REMAKE) - Reviewed
  9. Star Wars - Behind the Scenes Special
  10. Rescue Me
  11. Greatest action film ever?
  12. Is anyone anxious to see Exorcist: The Beginning
  13. Anyone going to see Garden State?
  14. Da Ali G Show...
  15. HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy!
  16. Michael Mann's "Collateral"
  17. Once Upon a time in MEXICO, Rodriguez dissapoints with features
  18. Does current Hollywood formula really work that well?
  19. The Matrix Trilogy
  20. Poll: Best Series
  21. Movies so bad, that they're actually..... good?
  22. The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Film
  23. Dawn of the Dead 2004
  24. Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
  25. Primer - Winner of Sundance
  26. Name this anime film...
  27. Blair Witch revisited
  28. Open Water film shot on...?
  29. Movies We Didn't Like.
  30. Your Favorite(s) Movie....and why?
  31. Film is Dead. Once Upon A Time In Mexico
  32. 10 biggest flops in cinematic history...
  33. Thoughts on Hi-Def trailer? (Robert Rodriguez)
  34. Avast ye! Pirates of the Caribbean thoughts
  35. The Hulk and the English-WARNING!
  36. Terminator 3 Reviews
  37. Raiders shot-for-shot by teenagers
  38. Honda ad - 606 takes
  39. Favourite westerns, war movies
  40. The Joseph George "Favorites" Poll
  41. The Matrix Reloaded - no spoilers
  42. Great b&w film
  43. Big Wheel shots in The Shining
  44. Thoughts on "Meet Joe Black"
  45. It's about time
  46. Has anyone seen "28 days Later" directed by Danny Boyle
  47. Arafat vs. Sharon - The short movie
  48. trading spaces mess up?
  49. City of God - brilliant
  50. Anyone seen Repo Man?