- Thoughts on tonight's 24 (first two hours): spoilers for those who haven't seen it
- preview for a short im almost done.. canon xl2. letsus 35xl
- Dragon Boys
- Mountain Patrol (KeKeXiLi)
- Doctor Who
- Indiana Jones 4 to start filming in 2007
- The descent
- Worst Horror Films?
- deja vu
- James Bond Ultimate Collection DVD
- Apocalypto – Let It Bleed
- Intelligence? Hustle?
- Miami Vice - Review
- Studio 60, one of the best shows on TV right now
- Off the Grid: a new documentary about living in the wilderness.
- BATTLESTAR best show ever?
- 3 Needles opens on December 1st
- "The Fountain" the movie "possible spolier"
- Facing the Giants
- Robert Altman passed away yesterday
- BOND - A Review
- has anyone seen the new Bond yet?
- Fincher's Zodiac trailer
- Al Jazeera English News Channel launched
- Nightmare Before Christmas in 3-D
- Seeking film scene examples...
- 24
- Lost with Lost
- what do you watch?
- "Brick"
- Documentary on the origin of the F word
- Dixie Chics doc
- History Boys, from stage to screen, what's missing?
- Children of Men
- Eyes on the Prize
- is there going to be a 24 this year?
- Big Screen Magic: The Prestige
- Digital Projection and Nightmare Before Christmas
- Candy Snatchers
- Nirgendwo in Afrika
- The Departed was amazing!
- Grindhouse
- Lost lost it
- CSI: Miami
- Cheaters - low brow TV show from Dallas
- UGLY BETTY (stupid)
- Robert Downey, Jr. cast as Tony Stark/Iron Man!
- Lady in the Water...
- Movies on HD-DVD/BluRay, comments?
- Brian DePalma