- CineForm and Sony XDCAM HD
- Canadian Shipping Charges
- David: Technical explanation needed
- Audio Drop Outs?
- Best Capture Settings
- Quick DVD?
- Preview to Monitor works in scrub, not play...
- Convinced again...Cineform is Far Better Than Native HDV...
- Have Cineform, Z1U won't arrive until Friday, any Cineform clips to play with?
- Poor man's Overcranked Slo MO
- Transfer to Tape problem...!
- Glitch creating WMV-HD from Cineform files
- laptop acquisition and desktop editing
- Cineform ASPECT HD worth it?
- connect HD for vegas
- Decklink cards and Cineform AHD
- CineForm HD avi to H.264
- Weird export problem... help?
- DVFilm and Cineform
- Help with Color Corrector
- Registration on Weekends?
- ITU601 or 709 Colorspace?
- MPEG4 to CFHD??
- Mono Audio Channels ?
- Metadata from Z1U
- A few questions
- Cannot capture anything worth keeping with Aspect HD 4
- Win 32 vs 64 - any speed difference?
- Capture ?
- 1080i to DVD
- Why Do I Need This Again?...
- David Newman: CFHD to m2v
- Wierdness with PP2.0, Zoom, Color Correction
- Strange capture problem
- Connect HD & Vegas Media Studio Plantinum
- HD timeline to tape
- Cineform/PP2.0 vs. Avid XPress
- Cineform for MACs, 4K Resolution and 4:4:4 support?
- Converting PPro 2.0 files
- Stills rendered green
- Matrox to HiDef Mon.?
- Cineform 4 cross-dissolves affects entire reqion
- Processor
- Please help with audio problem
- Green transistions again: PP1.5, Aspect HD 4.01
- Does PPro2 Multicam work with AspectHD 4?
- New CineForm bundles w PPro 2 ?
- Export frame problem
- DVD SD Mpeg2 renders
- Audio pop and crackle (can someone test?)