- Left Eye vs Right Eye?
- your best advice please
- XL2 Mobility - Is it durable enough?
- the Xl2 will work with my mini35 ?
- 16:1 Manual vs 20:1
- Web Streaming
- What about audio sync?
- Canon 3x wide angle lens
- Zoom Speeds
- 24p questions
- Slow Motion
- L Lenses on XL2
- Focus hunt
- XL2 Low Light Capability
- Poll: Will you buy the XL2?
- shipping
- Batteries for XL2
- XL2 Focus
- is there a way to 'trade in' xl1s for the xl2?
- Nice Xl2 pics
- Anyone with some 8bit DSP insights?
- XL2 - Menu Options & Image Control
- body dimensions
- Frame Grabs Please!
- XL2 and EF Lens Adapter / EF Lenses / EOS Lens
- Audio monitor
- XL2 pricing
- Delivery
- Special Thanks to Chris
- XL2 color LCD viewfinder
- Great the XL2...No HDV?
- Charles Papert: P+S Technik with XL2
- Cinelook Stuff
- XL2 CCD block overview
- Depth of Field and Zoom
- No 16:9 guidelines
- 20x zoom lens -- various topics
- XL2 compared to DVX, part one... Custom Keys comparison
- PAL version announced in Europe !
- XL2 Specs (PLEASE READ BEFORE asking questions!)
- Lens markings etc.
- SMPTE Timecode on XL2
- Whooooo Doggie!!!!
- Welcome to the XL2 Watchdog forum.
- XL2 Watchdog information site now open.
- It's official: Canon XL2 announced