View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Need monopod advice - Bogen 560b or 561b?
  2. Question for those that use Vimeo.
  3. A clip from a Moscow, Russia wedding 4min
  4. My first wedding -- Highlight Video
  5. DV Tapes ?
  6. Travel & SDE's...need advice
  7. How do I do this?
  8. New TTD
  9. Event wont fit on 1 DVD??
  10. Reception audio - best practices
  11. Yet Another FUN video to watch!
  12. dressELegance Video?
  13. Cold Feet...for the videographer
  14. NBA photo montage
  15. Codec and settings for wedding dvd
  16. How many of you are a one man show.
  17. Any ideas welcome
  18. Post Your Favorite Soundtracks
  19. My First "Save the Date" video to critique
  20. LitePanels Micro Update
  21. Which NLE do you use...?
  22. A trailer from my most recent wedding
  23. ? for wedding using me4/g2 mic system
  24. Hindu Wedding Ceremony
  25. wireless or not?
  26. old tapes?
  27. first SDE
  28. Ring to do it right
  29. PC to MAC compatibility w/ Hard drives
  30. Confused About SDE's??
  31. HD E-Shoot Filmed with Canon XH-A1 and Brevis35
  32. Videographer web sites - self promotion
  33. quick question
  34. Doesn't the sde render the highlights obsolete?
  35. Event Video Recording and DVD Sales
  36. Which laptop for same day edit?
  37. best iRiver replacement audio recorder
  38. Church clip for reception
  39. Requesting materals for wedding vid
  40. Wedding trailler workflow
  41. Here's a FUN video to watch!
  42. Which HDV comes close to the pd170 for lowlight?
  43. Classical Cruisers: An Artistic View on the JC Whitney Spring Auto Show
  44. Shooting weddings w/ XH-A1 in 60, 30 or 24?
  45. First work I've posted.
  46. Videography Advice
  47. Guest Interviews- How do you do it
  48. Connecting Transmitter to DJ's Audio feed
  49. 16mm film, an inside look
  50. New Website from Rio de Janeiro