- Highlights Clip (from a nice little Barn in the UK!)
- the ceremony edit..
- How many of you deliver in HD DVD or Blueray?
- Credits clip
- Weddings VS '16x9 Super Fisheye' (sale mention)
- PD170 Audio drop outs
- charging tax?
- Translation
- Sticky situation... what would you do?
- How Do You Brainstorm, Plan, Shoot, & Edit A "Save The Date" Teaser?
- Do you ever Sell/Give the Raw footage to a client?
- Brand New "Save the Date" Video
- Maximum tele, quality doesn't matter
- Wedding DVD covers
- Two questions:
- trailer: a love history
- Lovestory "Three Patrice's women"
- Appreciation Dinner
- How can I make this more interesting?
- Friend's Wedding
- State of our industry - gear-wise
- How long is your day?
- 2nd highlight needs critique!
- Wear earplugs at receptions!
- HD & Super 8 Mix
- second shooter for July 12 in GTA
- Cheap customer
- Dance Recitals
- First Wedding Highlight
- Interested brides requesting the same date...
- Referal from one videographer to another
- Would appreciate some feedback!
- Does anyone use Boris FX for weddings
- Where do you wedding guys..........?
- Bride Called Regarding Photographer Missing Important Shot
- First Highlight clip... 3rd wedding
- New Highlight Video
- Cleansing my palette - A Columbus, OH Trailer
- Is there a market?
- Mixing super8 and digital (clips)
- First wedding shoot
- Generating Business/Booking Brides
- Video Editing Position
- Any of you do Legal Videography?
- a short SDE pre Wedding Love Story
- New Business Launch + Demo Video + First SDE
- highlights edit chronological?
- First SDE
- Mount for FX-1 to accomodate wireless mic and boom
- First Wedding comming up Saturday wanting advice