View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Need advise for high school play video shoot
  2. Promo DVD For a Wedding Band
  3. Any body using Aiptek hidden HD cameras?
  4. Using Shotgun Mic With Plugin Wireless
  5. wwyd?
  6. logical workflow and results
  7. How to shoot a wrap-around deck?
  8. Shutter speed for football
  9. Question: Music legal issues?
  10. Wedding 2nd camera position
  11. Need advice - how much to charge for a re-edit
  12. Good workflow/storage for weddings (ideas needed)
  13. Tripod Recommendations
  14. looking for nyc metro wedding videographer
  15. new iRiver that takes external mic
  16. Video hosting
  17. Help for quick decision, X10 Upgrade or Glide Track
  18. Help for quick decision
  19. Weddings and the Hand Held Shots, Can they coexist again.
  20. What controls to leave automatic for weddings?
  21. Additional shoe mount
  22. Influential Wedding Videographer
  23. Why not take some stills with the 5D?
  24. Unfortunate wedding situation
  25. How do you get good paying clients without meeting them?
  26. Coollights LED600
  27. anyone around the NJ/PA/NY area know where to rent gear?
  28. hv30 or hv40 2nd cam?
  29. SWIT on-camera lights - anyone using?
  30. Hell to the recession, bookings are up, up, up!
  31. Wedding Aberdeen Website
  32. Cheap Live Vision Switching... Is it possible?
  33. How is your wedding business going?
  34. What's your typical wedding video duration?
  35. Backlight fix in post - anyone?
  36. Ordered a TorchLED..
  37. Conversation during shoot?
  38. Best way to Mic a room for Bride Prep
  39. framerate for weddings...
  40. For those who want to try Facebook for advertising...
  41. Anyone using the HMC150 for weddings, etc?
  42. Zoom blew up from static electricity!
  43. Do you view all the raw footage before started your edits?
  44. first wedding troubles
  45. What resolution should I be printing DVD covers?
  46. olympus voice recorders and freq. response
  47. On Camera Lighting
  48. Coloring for weddings
  49. dont know how many people do this, but it worked great.
  50. Business venture - suggestions?