- Preferred Vendors
- Hourly rates as a 2nd shooter??
- Pre-Ceremony Shot and No Bride
- Pre-Ceremony Shoot and No Bride
- Question regarding raw footage...
- Annual Holiday Sale Now On
- Raw Footage
- Marryoke...
- When things go wrong working for somebody else...
- Audio at weddings? A challenge for all of us
- Asked to do wedding video as favor from family member
- Would this work? Lighting question...
- DVD Case Template for Memorex Slim Cases?
- Unusual marriage between Panasonic HMC-154 & Sony Vegas 9 delivers SDE
- Quad Splitter for Video Switching
- Shooting plays - what is the norm?
- Detroit Economy
- Bride and Groom staying on Wedding night at the reception venue?
- Not Marketing - Honest Opinions Wanted
- "I don't need a mic"
- dealing with wind
- 3D Same Day Edit Picture PROOF
- Music for PSA
- Bridezilla Tales
- Dance concert in progressive?
- SDEs have changed my business..going to SDE ONLY $$$$ and NO BACKLOG
- Real problem with DVD burning....
- Indian Wedding available. (Chicago area)
- 7d
- Mayad studio shooting my wedding !?
- Event Shoot - How to structure your edit
- DSLR Focus on Steadicam/Glidecam during Weddings
- Delivering HD content
- Julian St. Pierre - RIP
- wedding speeches: massive windows behind head table
- butterfly release footage
- How do you make your wedding dvd's excitiing?
- Same Day Edit
- Free hosting service
- Would you go with the Pan HPX170 or Sony HVRZ7U for weddings
- Audio Clean Up Help
- Getting started in professional events videography
- How do you stay comfortable while recording?
- What to do?
- Website opinions needed
- Filming with shutter at 30?
- The Knot
- how is your 'full coverage' like?
- Video Editing Help Needed.
- unusual case