View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Twitter
  2. Laura's latest article in EventDV - Sound Design
  3. Where the 5D and 7D really shine
  4. Love Story Video - "standard"?
  5. Camera shake fix
  6. How many pros here are still shooting weddings primarily with the FX1?
  7. Interview questions
  8. backup with or wothout grade
  9. Recommended Video Gear
  10. my website: what are your critiques?
  11. Who was the first?
  12. Canon 7D + GT Shooter + a wedding
  13. How prowerfull could be the wedding trailer in a couple!
  14. Help with first memorial video please
  15. 2010 - Year of the Blu-Ray?
  16. Pro's & Con's of switching to SLRs for wedding video.
  17. delivery time woe
  18. Event Lighting
  19. Business coach - who has one?
  20. Video Noise in Low Light - 5D2 vs XLH1
  21. Shooting first "Repass" tomorrow and I need help
  22. Looking for Doves Flying Footage
  23. Watch out when a wedding customer gets mad...
  24. Prices
  25. Anyone using Litepanels for receptions?
  26. Audio for ceremony?
  27. SDE & Pre-recorded interviews
  28. Show me the money! Getting Paid
  29. Audio For Play
  30. 2010 Bookings...Poll
  31. Website templates?
  32. GH in bright sun
  33. Sports Video
  34. "Wedding" in Clooney's Up in the Air
  35. New Highlights Video - Advice Welcome
  36. FX1000 at wedding
  37. Ashley and Chas's b cam footage
  38. Client Meetings
  39. Bridal shows
  40. Roaming mics - what are best approaches?
  41. 2010 the Just say No to low/no pay work year!
  42. Audio sweetening programs?
  43. Graduation ceremony...advice needed PLEASE!
  44. Funny wedding situations
  45. Photogs with handheld video lights are killing me!
  46. Anyone using Cranberry discs for project delivery?
  47. My first 'first Dance' tips please
  48. Trends in wedding video
  49. Xmas Messages For Our Troops
  50. Preferred Vendors