- MainConcept Mpeg Pro- Premiere Pro CS3
- Laura's latest article in EventDV - Sound Design
- Where the 5D and 7D really shine
- Love Story Video - "standard"?
- Camera shake fix
- How many pros here are still shooting weddings primarily with the FX1?
- Interview questions
- backup with or wothout grade
- Recommended Video Gear
- my website: what are your critiques?
- Who was the first?
- Canon 7D + GT Shooter + a wedding
- How prowerfull could be the wedding trailer in a couple!
- Help with first memorial video please
- 2010 - Year of the Blu-Ray?
- Pro's & Con's of switching to SLRs for wedding video.
- delivery time woe
- Event Lighting
- Business coach - who has one?
- Video Noise in Low Light - 5D2 vs XLH1
- Shooting first "Repass" tomorrow and I need help
- Looking for Doves Flying Footage
- Watch out when a wedding customer gets mad...
- Prices
- Anyone using Litepanels for receptions?
- Audio for ceremony?
- SDE & Pre-recorded interviews
- Show me the money! Getting Paid
- Audio For Play
- 2010 Bookings...Poll
- Website templates?
- GH in bright sun
- Sports Video
- "Wedding" in Clooney's Up in the Air
- New Highlights Video - Advice Welcome
- FX1000 at wedding
- Ashley and Chas's b cam footage
- Client Meetings
- Bridal shows
- Roaming mics - what are best approaches?
- 2010 the Just say No to low/no pay work year!
- Audio sweetening programs?
- Graduation ceremony...advice needed PLEASE!
- Funny wedding situations
- Photogs with handheld video lights are killing me!
- Anyone using Cranberry discs for project delivery?
- My first 'first Dance' tips please
- Trends in wedding video
- Xmas Messages For Our Troops