- Website Thoughts
- new logo concept (what are your thoughts?)
- Where can I get Tokina 11-16mm ? (out of stock all the time!)
- Service Magic
- ink and copies
- Glidetrack for...
- New Logo
- PAL Canon B roll camera for weddings
- Fees for Destination Weddings
- Temporary Handy Cam..?
- Firewire
- In Weddings do you shoot 24p or 30p or 60?
- Voice Recorder Lavalier Mic HELP
- A bit of HUGE news for us.
- T2i - "Newbie" Questions...
- Draft copy and clients input
- Trying to wean myself off 60i / slow motion
- Name Order???
- WEVA Expo 2010 coming. What was your previous experience /review
- Cinematic Wedding Highlights
- Persian-Jewish Wedding
- Thoughts on replacement cameras
- Unusable footage.
- My first wedding video
- Australian Workshop July 2010 - Exposed Down Under
- Cameras shooting video
- To those of you who use vdslrs (5d, 7d, T2i), can you post a pic of your rig?
- Shooting and Editing an Egyptian Reception
- Pre-Wedding Meeting
- Slow Period for New Leads
- Wedding and Event Shoot equipment
- Vendor backed out their contract... what to do?
- Who's going to buy an ipad?
- Uncle Speech (I tried my best to transcribe the closed captioning)
- How "cinematic" are your highlights/trailers compared to your full edits?
- DSLR Focal Length?
- arabic songs
- Leading Q's to ask Brides Mum
- Doing a sweet 16 with an XH-A1 and a T2i...any tips?
- Equipment advice, please help.
- creating estimate for filming conference
- Another Research Project
- Strange EVF colour at Reception
- Wedding at Coco Palm, Pomona CA --> Terrible!
- Best iPhone App For Wedding Videography?
- Lighting Kits?
- lav micing for weddings
- Recommended counterweights for Glidecam?
- FREE Party at NAB for Event Filmmakers
- Pre-wedding video, with or without a theme ?