View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Ceremony Coverage / Audio Old Post and Suggestions for Current Setup
  2. How to handle this edit?
  3. Hard Drive Failure - It does happen
  4. Novel Idea for wedding production - don't do it
  5. EF 24-105 to FE 24-70 on A7s
  6. Auto settings on backlit top table. Tips?
  7. Recommend a camera for the wife?
  8. lighting post
  9. Seeking feedback on music library idea
  10. Lens changing and focal lengths
  11. For when you are waiting in the rain for the bride's arrival
  12. Dance DVD and USB
  13. Double bookings
  14. Canon XC10 - Anyone used one at a wedding?
  15. Sending HD Component or HDMI over long distance
  16. Problems with Clients Trying to Play Blu-Ray Disk on Xbox?
  17. How much does Lens quality really matter in wedding video?
  18. Shooting dance recital with handycams
  19. DJ Light Mounting advice
  20. Audio / Zoom for Church Ceremony
  21. What's up with Facebook?
  22. DSLR under $1,000 for beginner
  23. Blu-Ray and DVD on thumb Drive
  24. Atomos Ninja Users?
  25. New camera advice please.
  26. Vsco film
  27. What matters to you? - Camera Selection
  28. Vimeo titles in facebook
  29. Talk to me about Steadicams.
  30. Static Camcorder Options - An Up To Date Thread
  31. Where would you place the cameras?
  32. lens
  33. Help Request: Teaching Wedding Videography
  34. Online delivery / sales of recital videos - consensus
  35. American Wedding Group?
  36. Glidecam smooth shooter vest
  37. Indian Wedding shot with an iPhone
  38. DVD Printer
  39. Unique Wedding shoots to a Niche market
  40. wedding haka
  41. Which Field Monitor to buy?
  42. Video recorder for stage events
  43. Little DARling Finally released
  44. Anyone using the samyang 35mm f1.4?
  45. Camera Advice (What to Rent)
  46. Wedding nightmares
  47. Dance Recitals - Same day events
  48. Deliver Wedding Film on HDMI Dongle
  49. Time to change our marketing tactics??
  50. How do you deal with WILDLY differing lighting in the church?