- Buy a Stedicam shot for $50?
- How many Monopod users?
- new Twitter, looking to connect with wedding videographers
- How many of you actually create your DVD menus from scratch?
- 2nd Camera placement
- Instrumental Wedding Music for voice-over
- Need advise on a "unique" video still situation
- Wedding nightmare...hope this never happens to anyone here
- Hotel ceremony with bright windows advice
- Wedding Music! :)
- Does filming wedding weddings affect you emotionally?
- Dealing with backlight
- Shooting Reds at Dance Recitals
- Check out THIS reception video!
- Selling my Z1... What to buy now?
- Final Cut Pro X
- Media Management
- SDI, tally, intercom cable
- bluray topic
- camera mount for guitar in music video
- in-camera edits
- Seasonal prices?
- Need a new camcorder for AirShows
- Customer Guide...
- Wedding Dress With Long Train
- DVD design ideas
- Production Insurance
- Wedding Audio sound via Zoom H4n and camera sync?
- Focus, Shutter Speeds, Timelines, ISO
- Canon DSLR Best Picture Styles for your Wedding
- Editing Workflow
- Indian Wedding
- Wedding Film Frame Rate, 24 or 30?
- 2 yr old birthday party??
- camera drift
- Reverberating Cathedrals!!
- Live streaming wedding video
- Bay Area Professional Videographers Super Meeting in conjunction with Adobe
- Amateur Recital Video Production
- Any race videographers onboard?
- Wedding Audio Advice
- Online DVD publishing
- UK Insurance
- Screen printing DVD's
- The future of wedding video?
- Advice or tips for freshening up end product?
- How has advertising in print or online ads helped your business?
- 3rd Documentry cam - GoPro HD HERO?
- Tips on organizing footage after the wedding