- Wedding Clip - critique
- Difference between 7D and 5Dii controlling aperature
- Service trade at your own wedding?
- How to get colors to POP in weddings (similar to StillMotion or Travis Cossel)?
- Advice on Dance concerts
- Supply couples with Blu-ray
- Anyone deliver on USB Drives?
- wedding clip review
- yr favorite shots/techniques
- Include Wedding Videography on Résumé?
- Audio, Gain, DB
- YouTube Video With Closed Captioning
- A destination wedding behind the scenes write up
- Technical troubles with songfreedom.com?
- Breaking Down the Scene: Episode 3
- Divorce before video is finished
- New editing mac for wedding
- How do you handle travel fees?
- Burner/Player Combination for Wedding DVD's
- Pricing a multi-layered job
- iRiver Replacement?
- GoPro Hero 2 at weddings???
- Single shooters using glidecam/glidetrack/etc.
- Anyone planning to buy the C300?
- Music industry is going after wedding videographers
- What's the best video format for embedding on a website?
- How did they do this?
- Wedding Videographers getting sued for music copyright violations
- Anybody here do dance concerts?
- Wedding Fusion Video Editing Rates?
- Santa came early!
- First RED Wedding Booked!
- Remove flickering...
- What is your favorite transition for a wedding video?
- Rock Concert - Is there a filter to make the footage shakier?
- Getting my wedding video website started...
- New directions ..
- DSLR wedding question
- Pricing Non Wedding Events?
- Training
- Raw Footage
- Cheap 24 fps, 1080?
- How many of you use Nikon D7000, D5100
- Average ProRes wedding project size
- Business Gurus...
- Couples Wedding Video Site?
- Best Projector
- Compact Flash Sandisc Issue
- Video Valuation: how would you bill?
- Photographers hate video: the truth revealed .....