View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Wedding Clip - critique
  2. Difference between 7D and 5Dii controlling aperature
  3. Service trade at your own wedding?
  4. How to get colors to POP in weddings (similar to StillMotion or Travis Cossel)?
  5. Advice on Dance concerts
  6. Supply couples with Blu-ray
  7. Anyone deliver on USB Drives?
  8. wedding clip review
  9. yr favorite shots/techniques
  10. Include Wedding Videography on Résumé?
  11. Audio, Gain, DB
  12. YouTube Video With Closed Captioning
  13. A destination wedding behind the scenes write up
  14. Technical troubles with
  15. Breaking Down the Scene: Episode 3
  16. Divorce before video is finished
  17. New editing mac for wedding
  18. How do you handle travel fees?
  19. Burner/Player Combination for Wedding DVD's
  20. Pricing a multi-layered job
  21. iRiver Replacement?
  22. GoPro Hero 2 at weddings???
  23. Single shooters using glidecam/glidetrack/etc.
  24. Anyone planning to buy the C300?
  25. Music industry is going after wedding videographers
  26. What's the best video format for embedding on a website?
  27. How did they do this?
  28. Wedding Videographers getting sued for music copyright violations
  29. Anybody here do dance concerts?
  30. Wedding Fusion Video Editing Rates?
  31. Santa came early!
  32. First RED Wedding Booked!
  33. Remove flickering...
  34. What is your favorite transition for a wedding video?
  35. Rock Concert - Is there a filter to make the footage shakier?
  36. Getting my wedding video website started...
  37. New directions ..
  38. DSLR wedding question
  39. Pricing Non Wedding Events?
  40. Training
  41. Raw Footage
  42. Cheap 24 fps, 1080?
  43. How many of you use Nikon D7000, D5100
  44. Average ProRes wedding project size
  45. Business Gurus...
  46. Couples Wedding Video Site?
  47. Best Projector
  48. Compact Flash Sandisc Issue
  49. Video Valuation: how would you bill?
  50. Photographers hate video: the truth revealed .....