View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Stage Events - starting over
  2. Workflow - EX1 & 550D/T2i
  3. Breaking Down the Scene: Jaclyn and Brian Ending Sequence
  4. Marriage commissioner refuses to be videotaped
  5. How are videographers dealing with copyright restrictions?
  6. Follow up call - Wedding expo
  7. Couple Time
  8. Wedding with TV Crew
  9. Wedding Videographer in Chattanooga TN
  10. Cancellations
  11. Contractual terms for multiple payees
  12. back to back weddings
  13. Hacked GH2 for weddings??
  14. 2nd Shooter Contract UK
  15. Lenses questions for the SLT a77
  16. Looking for good book on video editing and shooting techniques
  17. CropFrame to Full Frame...Lens Suggestions
  18. CISS printing solutions
  19. First Time Dance Recital Editing question/tips...
  20. Long DVDs, What Bit Rate?
  21. iMac, Macbook Pro, or both?
  22. Exposed | Down Under 2012 Announced
  23. It's all about presentation
  24. Question regarding best output for bluray from 1080 25p
  25. Gonna purchase these recordings...
  26. UK Market Research!!! Help!?
  27. What Would You Add To This Equipment List?
  28. Gel for LED lights
  29. What are acceptable brightness levels?
  30. Do you call the DJ/band ahead of time...
  31. Best single shooters?
  32. Canon 24-70mm 2.8
  33. Running 'n Gunning, DSLR.
  34. "Standard" but sturdy DVD cases?
  35. SEO Backlinking Project
  36. Question about LCD Viewfinder
  37. Smartphone Video Footage from Guests
  38. Sigma 30mm 1.4
  39. Deliver Entire Wedding DVD Online
  40. Recommendation for way to carry lenses?
  41. Multiple DSLRs during wedding ceremony: same aperture, ISO?
  42. Run over by a bus ...
  43. Outdoor Ceremony Tips & Tricks
  44. DSLR video - to use a hood or not?
  45. Before the Shoot
  46. Vending at a wedding/bridal expo
  47. Are you thinking of moving to short form? What are your concerns?
  48. Any Wedding photographers?
  49. Shooting fireworks at a wedding.
  50. How Many Use a Spilt Screen Technique for Recitals?