- Stage Events - starting over
- Workflow - EX1 & 550D/T2i
- Breaking Down the Scene: Jaclyn and Brian Ending Sequence
- Marriage commissioner refuses to be videotaped
- How are videographers dealing with copyright restrictions?
- Follow up call - Wedding expo
- Couple Time
- Wedding with TV Crew
- Wedding Videographer in Chattanooga TN
- Cancellations
- Contractual terms for multiple payees
- back to back weddings
- Hacked GH2 for weddings??
- 2nd Shooter Contract UK
- Lenses questions for the SLT a77
- Looking for good book on video editing and shooting techniques
- CropFrame to Full Frame...Lens Suggestions
- CISS printing solutions
- First Time Dance Recital Editing question/tips...
- Long DVDs, What Bit Rate?
- iMac, Macbook Pro, or both?
- Exposed | Down Under 2012 Announced
- It's all about presentation
- Question regarding best output for bluray from 1080 25p
- Gonna purchase these recordings...
- UK Market Research!!! Help!?
- What Would You Add To This Equipment List?
- Gel for LED lights
- What are acceptable brightness levels?
- Do you call the DJ/band ahead of time...
- Best single shooters?
- Canon 24-70mm 2.8
- Running 'n Gunning, DSLR.
- "Standard" but sturdy DVD cases?
- SEO Backlinking Project
- Question about LCD Viewfinder
- Smartphone Video Footage from Guests
- Sigma 30mm 1.4
- Deliver Entire Wedding DVD Online
- Recommendation for way to carry lenses?
- Multiple DSLRs during wedding ceremony: same aperture, ISO?
- Run over by a bus ...
- Outdoor Ceremony Tips & Tricks
- DSLR video - to use a hood or not?
- Before the Shoot
- Vending at a wedding/bridal expo
- Are you thinking of moving to short form? What are your concerns?
- Any Wedding photographers?
- Shooting fireworks at a wedding.
- How Many Use a Spilt Screen Technique for Recitals?