- About to buy a GoPro HD Hero 2
- Fast way to change lenses.
- What aspect ratio for DVD?
- DVD for another region?
- What is a wedding story?
- need some serious business advertising advice
- Corporate Events - Preferred Medium.
- Should I charge?
- Compliments
- Tsunami Warning
- Editing Hour for 15min Wedding Film
- Editing Rate for Wedding
- High dynamic range on Mk3
- Some thoughts on sliders
- Exposing on the Dance Floor at Weddings
- Another Mk3 or the C100?
- Live Streaming?
- NEX-VG20EH Anyone?
- Same Day Edit didn't go so well ...it's Premiere's fault
- Tips for shooting hockey?
- Tips and techniques on editing the Highlights portion
- Lens whacking the photoshoot
- Still Motion Feature
- Frustration with local businesses
- New business, could use a few specific tips.
- Live streaming overseas
- First wedding video ....
- Zoom Q3HD - Two Birds - One Stone
- instant replay solution?
- High quality double BD/DVD case or box
- Places one aches after a shoot
- Is there anything in between "documentary" and "cinematic"?
- Gimics
- How crucial is great audio quality really?
- Product or art?
- Getting a Direct Feed - What's your usual setup?
- Bride and Groom alone time - props?
- Foreign language
- Classic wedding moments
- Not disconnecting from couple
- In praise of the monopod
- 24p and audio synching
- Next Years plan
- Credit Cards
- FS700 quick release system
- Break Down Your Days Shooting Setup
- What Equipment is Needed to Provide Instant DVDs of a Live Event?
- What shotgut mic should I buy?
- Guests blocking my shot!!!
- frame rate consneus