- Beefing up my handycam
- I hate these lights
- dum-dum question about audio for wedding
- Processional and Recessional tips
- Recommendations on a camera mount that will stick to a stage or smooth surface?
- Wireless mic (senny g2) issues
- Highlight Film
- Corrupted Zoom H2 WAV file
- yet another, What would you do?
- Previous Client Feedback, Video v Photography
- Weddings/Events "On-Demand" via Vimeo
- 720 or 1080 for HD Delivery
- Advice for buying a Semi-Pro Camcorder for Weddings
- Ball Head recommendation
- GreenLight Music Licensing - Has anyone used this service?
- Promoting with brochures
- Do I need a glidecam for a highlight wedding film?
- Best cards for 5Dii
- Home Visits
- Boundary Mic recommendations
- SD to HD scaling question.
- Solo shooters and parking arrangments
- Advice needed for 1st wedding with G25 (and 7D)
- BMC Pocket sample footage
- Going DSLR for Show/event filming
- Good lens for front of Church - 18-135mm?
- Education / Workshop
- Featuring in your own shots
- Printing options onto DVDs
- 10 videographers at a wedding!
- GoPro USB charged PSU
- Photographer Ruined Wedding ..
- Shooting a wedding with a Blackmagic
- Reception Toasts...
- Large Tripod Case?
- Oh No!
- audio settings on ex1r for receptions
- Dance recital contract
- Audio sweetening specifically for dialogue in Weddings
- An idea to improve my steady-cam
- Sony VG30
- Monopod/shoulder rig/dolly
- Wedding Packages
- New Steadicam
- Black Magic Pocket Camera
- Filming Blinds/Shutter event?
- Church show with video projection screen on stage?
- Written weding vows for five bucks ..
- WOOHOO! Last wedding of season today!
- Fiverr