View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Contracts and down deposit
  2. gopro hero 3 vs. hero 3+ at weddings
  3. Which color grading app do you use with Premiere Pro CC ?
  4. i need your opinion
  5. Mounting plate advice
  6. DIY Delrin Follow Focus Gears
  7. Advice for large editing monitor.
  8. Backlight Dilemma
  9. Portable Dolly Slider for DSLRs ? Which one do you use ?
  10. Price Sheet // Yay or Nay
  11. Zoom H1 on Auto
  12. What is 'A Film Like Look'?
  13. Really bad DJ lights!
  14. My first trailer
  15. Change to full frame better or same as crop
  16. Am I Alone In Using Magix Movie Edit Pro?
  17. Pluraleyes or WooWave for syncing?
  18. Qualities in a good editor
  19. Editing Hightlight Trailer
  20. Who's using ONLY digital recorders for audio?
  21. Audio drift
  22. Just wanted to say thanks
  23. Yes, thats much better! Much more... romantic...
  24. How much homily do you include?
  25. How much dancing do you supply?
  26. Show your wedding timelines!
  27. Does autofocus dslr video work on steadycams?
  28. Flycam and wrist
  29. Focus with DSLRs
  30. Soulful music
  31. DaVinci Resolve Lite
  32. First Dance Music / Blown Out Bass in recording
  33. Mark III Raw Hack - Some Wedding Samples
  34. SD Card Recovery?
  35. dvd cover paper
  36. f1.4 no longer vital?
  37. ProDad ProDrenalin
  38. How much do you adjust Shutter Speed?
  39. How do you handle run and gun with a dslr?
  40. Xa10 or sell
  41. 'Not a very attractive bride'
  42. Tiffen silver workshop in UK
  43. How do you fair in SEO?
  44. Australian Workshop ~ Exposed Down Under 2014
  45. Syncing GoPro
  46. Wedding Videographer - Branching into Corporate Work
  47. Solo wedding shooters: How many cams?
  48. Cinematographer ? what's that ?
  49. CIS for Canon PIXMA MX922
  50. Can you spot the photographer?