View Full Version : Wedding / Event Videography Techniques

  1. Help With Stage Focusing
  2. Revamping awards ceremony for time
  3. which printer do you use?
  4. Why are I worrying?
  5. Recital Frame Rate 60i vs 30P
  6. 4K Televisions etc
  7. Gradual changes to my wedding over the years
  8. Who adds shots of food in their weddingfilm?
  9. Where have all the wedding videographers gone?
  10. Dance Recital Video Distribution Revisited
  11. Youtube Dance Shows - copyright
  12. NAB New Sony cams
  13. Theater event pricing
  14. How To Price Event Coverage?
  15. DVD printers
  16. Dance Recital Video Distribution
  17. For the people that film dance...
  18. New Youtube series for UK Videographer Newbies
  19. The Knot
  20. Good camera for hand held footage?
  21. Who here offers Photo, Video, or DJ packages
  22. Hard of Hearing, can you help with something (favor)
  23. Bought a Zhiyun Evolution gimbal, but.......
  24. Dance Class Highlights (Looking For Feedback)
  25. Steadycam
  26. JVC GY-HM170U (4k) cameras for performance work?
  27. Music Licensing basics - Help
  28. Live music
  29. 60p
  30. Youtube copyright.
  31. Video Camera for filming performances?
  32. Request suggestions for Wedding Cake Cutting
  33. Spamming from
  34. Foreign language to English Audio/Video converter
  35. Recording stage sound for school productions
  36. New Website Thoughts
  37. Shooting a marathon
  38. Custom Cat5e or Cat 6 cable
  39. Best Light for wedding reception/speeches
  40. Do You Charge Clients For Cancellations?
  41. Equipment question AX100?
  42. remote camera
  43. C100 mk3 and the 6D mk2
  44. Mediazilla for Apple TV
  45. For those offering digital downloads . . .
  46. And the Music Copyright Solution goes on!
  47. Is this one of the Best Wedding Videos?
  48. Length of wedding videos
  49. Ear protection
  50. Is this the future of wedding videos?