- Workflow
- Our own Douglas Spotted Eagle gets mentioned
- Who is shooting HDV for weddings?
- My Iriver-790 doesn't change remaining time when switching between mono and stereo
- Pricing
- Repost of wedding association opinion request
- Strangest wedding request...
- A Muppets song for the photo montage?!?!
- Another "Credits Montage"
- Darn wind!
- HD or No HD
- For anyone using the Magiqcam
- 3 yr old celebration? (Mexican Culture)
- Wedding Album designing S/w
- Free Fall Wedding Video at 13,500 feet on down
- Wedding Audio Question
- mp3 to aiff?
- Multi camera question
- MHz and more MHz...
- Photographer Issues?
- How long do you keep project on computer?
- streaming video
- Newbie Needs Some Advice....
- Giant Squid Rocks!
- What is the "ideal" shutter speed for a live dance event?
- Question re: attire.
- newbie
- lav mic heartbeat...
- I shot a friend's Wedding -HATE IT!
- Who's Wedding is it Anyway?
- Dance footage
- quick imput deck for sde's
- TFT Monitor
- Thinking of going Full-Time!!!!
- Outdoor Concert Filming
- What would you do...
- Highlights Clip from a challenging day
- Video Clip: Working with Clients
- On-cam light rental
- Dealing with client via email
- Editing a Wedding
- How to handle the negative.....
- Audio File Issue with iRiver recordings...help
- First wedding report, and a few questions (long)
- Recommend A Good Projector?
- Highlights Clip
- Saving Grace
- Graduation Ceremony
- Wedding phobic